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Mikes POV

"Well the school calls me every weekday cause he's getting detention and skipping it." Vic says looking at me and tony.
"He's getting detention for being late for class vic because he's getting beat up. He can't concentrate because all he thinks about is killing himself!" I say and stare at vic. "Did he tell you that?" I shake my head and tony walks over. "You can tell Vic. Me, Mike and Jaime were talking. He's not okay. Your to busy with your girlfriend to pay attention but we are." Vic sighs. "I have to go." He leaves and I punch the wall. "Max is falling apart." Tony sighs. "I think he already has." I look down.
Vic can't notice that his son is slowly killing himself.
I walk up to Max's room to see him curled up in a ball crying silently. I walk over and sit next to him. "W-where's my dad...." I sigh. "He's with his girlfriend bud." He nods looking away." I smile slightly. "You still got me and tony and-" then I hear someone talk. "And me." Jaime. "Hey uncle hime." Hime smiles and sits next to max.
He may be the funny, hyper guy of the band but when it comes down to it he can be sincere and serious.
"Someone told me you don't want to live anymore." Max nods softly. "Don't think like that max. We all love you. We need you here." Max just stays silent.
I grab his hand. "We love you a lot." He just mmms. I see tony physically tighten. "Hey bud take off your leather jacket." Max jumps and shakes his head repeatedly. Tony kneels down. "Please.." max nods and stands up going to his closet. I'm guessing to change.
He comes out in a tank top and basketball short showing cuts. New and old. Along with bruises.
Bruises and cuts littered his body.
"Oh my god Maxxy." Max looked down and I just engulfed him in a hug. He sobbed into my chest.

When he calmed down he said.
"I want to meet my dads girlfriend." I was confused but I understood. I texted vic.

Me: your son wants to meet your girlfriend
Vic: I'll bring her in 5

"They'll be here in 5." He nods and changes back into what he was wearing. He looks so sad.
Someone comes through the front door. I go downstairs with jaime and tony trailing me.
Max in Tony's arms.
Tony puts max down. Max stares at Vics girlfriend.
I'm pretty sure her names Brittany. She's wearing a pink shirt, black pants and tons of makeup.
Max just stares at her like she's a disease. She might be.
"Max this is my girlfriend Brittany. Brittany this is my son max." She just scowls and he looks down.
"We're going out." Me and tony say. I grab Max's hand and pull him outside.
He breaths out.
"Thanks uncle turtle and uncle mike." We just smile at him.
We start walking. We don't know where we're going but.
Max needs us.
"I don't like her. At. All!" We chuckle a bit. But we know it's not funny to him.

"I hate my dad. I hate Brittany. I hate my life!" He screams as we near the house. He runs in and sees vic and Brittany sucking faces. Max coughs really loudly making them jump apart. "Glad to see my dad gives a fu.ck about me." Max yells then runs upstairs.
Brittany leaves.
"Max is being homeschooled. On his computer." Vic goes to say something but something stops him.
I don't know what stops him but.
I wish our family wasn't messed up.

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