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Carsons POV

He's kissing me!!!!!
Maxwell FUCKING Fuentes is kissing me!!
He pulls away and puts his head on my chest but looks down. "I-I'm sorry." He starts crying. I force his head up and slam my lips against his. "Its okay. I love you." He freezes.
"I-I-I love you too." He hugs me and I pull him closer to me.
"Max will you be my boyfriend." He hesitates but nods.
He's probably worried I'll Break up with him like that idiot jude.
I never liked Jude.
He was an asshole.
You see I've known Max since I arrived at the orphanage when I was 8. I was adopted when I was 13 but we still stayed in touch. Jordan made sure of it. Oli tried adopted him but the papers kept getting bounced or something I'm not sure.
But now max is safe and alive.
I know he's been struggling since Mitch died.
Mitch was his rock. I mean we both arrived when we were around 8 but he was there a little earlier than me. He's my best friend and my boyfriend.
Max puts his hands over his tank top. "Am I fat." I gasp and take his drop dead hoodie off.
"You are all bone!" He looks down embarrassed.
"Will you tell them please." He nods and I walk outside him walking behind me slowly.
He kind of hides behind me.
I walk downstairs and stay at the stairs with him hiding.
Oli and Jordan -my dad's- look over at us.
Max slowly emerges from behind me making them gasp.
His scars are somewhat faded but he has bruises everywhere and his ribs are poking out.
Oli rushes over to him. "Buddy you need to eat something." He looks down but nods and grabs my hand. "You'll stay right?" I kiss him on the lips. "Always."
Oli puts half a cheese sandwich in front of him. "You love cheese sandwiches." Max cracks a smile. "I do."
He eats it in less than a minute. Oli burst out laughing. "Were you hungry." He nods embarrassed.
I kiss his cheek and he looks at Oli. "P-please don't tell my dad."
Oli sighs nodding. "But you have to start eating." He looks down nodding. His phone starts ringing and he picks it up.
"Hi.....are you fu.cking serious...yeah yeah shut up mike." He pauses.
So he's talking to mike.
"I guess.....I'm just with Oli, Carson and Jordan......um 5 minutes maybe less....yeah yeah bye." He groans. "I have to go home. Vic's at the gym, Jaime's with his girlfriend and Tony's out, mike started a fire so I have to go." I kiss him and he grabs his skateboard running out the door.
"I'm worried about him." I say. Oli nods and hugs me going back to my dad.
I wish I could believe Max but I know he won't eat, I know he won't stop self harming and I know he will keep working himself really hard

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