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Vics POV

Max just left for school but about two hours after he left I hear the front door open and it close gently. I'm in the kitchen talking to tony about Star Wars.
I walk to the front door.
"Max why aren't you at school." I couldn't see his face cause of his hood. Mikey way was behind him. Mikey says "max go upstairs I need to talk to your dad." Max just keeps his head down and runs upstairs.
I look at Mikey. "Whys he not at school? And with you?" He sighs.
"Poor kid ran into Gerard. Gerard brought him back to the house and his body was covered in bruises and there were cuts on his chest. So I brought him here. He said some kids at school had beaten him up pretty bad. He was talking to his boyfriend about cosplaying and someone overheard." What? I didn't know he had a boyfriend. I just nod and walk upstairs to Max's room. I walk in. I see him leaned against the wall with his hood covering his face. "You have a boyfriend?" He nods. "His names Jude. He's a trans boy. He's Austins brother. He's really nice." I smile and sit next to him as he tells me about Jude.
"He's just so sweet. He likes anime too. He has blue hair with a black stripe." I smile as I see him smile. "He makes you happy?" He nods and someone runs into the room. "Dad this is jude. Jude my dad." Jude smiles. "Sup."
Jude's wearing a tank top and basketball shorts.
He seems cool.
"Sorry mikey told me what happened." I stand up and walk out. I go downstairs.
"You met Jude?" Mike ask. I nod. "Something is off with him." Mike says. I shrug.

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