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Max's POV

I wake up to a loud camera flash. "Jaime if that's you your dead." I hear loud running. I get up and see Mitch on his phone. I run after jaime and tackle him on the stairs. Vic walks over going downstairs. "Jaime did you take a picture of max and Mitch." Jaime nodded. Vic just shook his head and walked downstairs.
Mitch comes over and lifts me up. "Thanks Mitch." Mitch shrugs. "I just want to hug him you deserved that." Mitch says and I smile.
Mitch carries me downstairs. "Hey guys we made breakfast mike said." Tony laughed. "What he means is mike tried to make breakfast and fails so I made pancakes." We laugh and mike smacks tony in the back of the head.
Mitch is the only one who knows about all my mental issues. He puts two pancakes in front of me then he points to them.
I sigh and eat them both slowly.
All the guys stare at me. "You've never eaten that much." Mitch looks at me. "You didn't tell them." I shake my head. I nod to him for him to tell them.
"Max has anorexia." All the guys just look at me.
I start breathing heavily because of the attention. Tony rushes over. "Hey breath follow my breathing." I nod and start breathing correctly.
"I don't l-like attention." They nod. I cling onto turtle.
He picks me up.
"Your so short." I kick him making him fall. I jump out of his arms and into Mitch's.
"Little ninja monkey." Vic says. I giggle. "OMG THE GIGGLE!" I shove my head into Mitch's chest. He laughs.

"Lets go to then mall bitches!" Jaime yells. I stand up and get on Mitch's back.
He carries me to the PTV car since it has 2 rows. "Max you have to sit on someone's lap." I sit on mike and close my eyes, while leaning my head back on his shoulder.
We get there after ten minutes and I go back on Mitch's back. I hear a camera flash then my phone dings. Tony posted a picture of me on Mitch's back.

Tonyturtle: blood brothers reunited. @piercethemax @mitchlucker

I smile and put my phone away. Mitch kisses my cheek. "I love you little bro." I put my head on his shoulder. "I love you too." Jaime runs over. He has so much energy. "Lets go to dicks." I sigh and jump off Mitch's back. "In other words lets go to dicks and see how long it takes for for guys to get us kicked out." They shrug and take a sprint into dicks.
I laugh. Me and Mitch walk behind them. "I bet they'll get kicked out after five minutes." Mitch says. I nod. "Most likely."
Who guessed it jaime knocked over a container of basketballs getting us kicked out. I was able to buy another pair basketball shorts before he did that though.

We get kicked out of like every store we go into thanks to jaime. "Jaime this is your fault." Vic says. Jaime just jumps around. "Jaime heal." I yell. Jaime stops. I walk over to him. "Calm the fuck down." I say in a venomous tone. He nods quickly and I get in the car. Mitch gets in next to me. "Don't make him mad. I did that once." I laugh remembering when it was winter.
Mitch starts telling the story. "He was five and I didn't let him play call of duty with me. He locked me out of the house in the middle of winter." I laugh and so do the guys. "I let you back in after fifteen minutes." He laughs.
"And you went to Alex's house which was next door for a while though." He shrugs.
He was always with his friends more then me.
We get home and I run up to my room slamming the door. Mike walks in slowly.
"What's wrong?" I look down crying. "Mitch always hung out with his friends more then he did me. Did he even want me as a brother." Mike rushes over. "Yes! He's here now. He loves you so much!" I nod against his chest and fall asleep.
"Goodnight baby brother." I hear Mitch say before I fall in a deep sleep.

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