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4 days later
Max's POV

"Come on Max tourbus is here." I nod and grab my suitcase.

My dad broke up with Brittany. He said that he never liked her and she was just a bitch. He's been weird for the past week. He rarely eats and he rarely comes out of his room.
I'm not even able to concentrate at anything cause I'm worried about him.

Dad comes out of the bunk area in a hoodie. I get suspicious. "Hey dad why don't you take your hoodie off." He looks at me. "No." Mike stands up. "Vic." My dad takes it off. I freeze. "No no no no." I run out of the bus.
It's night now.
We had just stopped to get gas.
It's my fault he has cuts on his wrist.
I run to a park bench and start sobbing.
Someone runs over. "Honey he hasn't cut in a month. There still healing. He was just in a bad spot." I shake my head. "It's my fault. Everything's my fault!" I yell.
Someone pulls me to their chest.
"I just can't do it turtle." I sob.
He picks me up. "Just go to sleep baby. You need it." I nod and put my head on his shoulder.

Mike POV
I look at vic. "Why bro. Why?" He looks down. "I felt like I ruined my sons life." I shook my head. "No. He loves you. If he didn't would he run out crying?" Vic shakes his head. "I guess not." Tony comes back in holding a sleeping max. "I got him to sleep." I nod and take him putting him in his bunk.
He starts thrashing around. I rub his head. He curls into my side so I just pick him back up and walk into the lounge. "He won't lay down." Max wines. He's having a nightmare.
"Don't do this again please vic." Vic nods. "I promise." I give max to tony. "You promised me last month." I say loudly, as tears well up in my eyes. He just hugs me tight.
Even thought I'm an adult I still need my big brother to just hug me sometimes.
I think that's all that max wants. He just wants his dad to hug him and hold him. I let go of vic and max starts trashing around in Tony's arms.
His nightmares have been really bad lately. I pick him up.
"Hey max wake up. It's uncle mike." He slows down and opens his eyes.
"I-is d-d-d-vic okay?" He was going to say dad. Vic walks over. "I'm fine honey." Max crawls over to vic.
Max grabs Vics arm and traces the scars.
He's only 13 but he's so strong. He goes to get up but his sleeve lifts up. Vic stops him.
"Maxwell." Max freezes. "Yes." Vic lifts up his sleeve. "Have you been self harming?" Max rolls his eyes. "Well no dip vic. No fu.cking dip." Vic stands up. "Don't get attitude with me Max." Max rolls his eyes walking away.
This is going to be a fun week.
At least we're only doing a short week tour.

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