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2 days later
Max's POV

"Wake up!" Someone says pushing me around. "I'm up I'm up." They laugh. Mike.
"It's 4am." He sighs. "The bus is here." I nod getting up grabbing my phone. He already grabbed my bag. I get on the bus and go to my bunk. I pull out my phone. The bus is dark since it's 4am and everyone's sleeping.

Unknownnumber: why are you saying Kyle raped you. You know you wanted it fag.

I feel tears burning my eyes.

Kyle: I'll see you soon fag.

I put my phone down crying silently. I know I'm not going to sleep. All I really want is to stop breathing.

•7 hours later•

I haven't slept. I've just been laying in my bed. I get out. Tony looks over. "You look like death." I flip him off and everyone else laughs. I sit on mike.
He wraps his arms around my waist. I lean back on him. "Did you sleep at all?" I shake my head. "No." They all sigh.
Kellin walks on the bus and lays on vic. They start making out. I cough loudly. "Hey kellic stop eating each other." I say in between my coughs. They move away. I laugh at them and get up. I put on a black hoodie now conscious of my body.
Oh shut up I was raped.
I slip on black jeans and a SnapBack. I walk back Into the lounge. "So were performing like now wanna walk around?" I nod. He hands me some money.
I walk outside and they go to they stage. I always just stay on the bus. Right now we're in Salem, Oregon. We're going a tour in a few places in the US then we're heading to Canada. I walk around when I see a person who looks- Kyle. He pushes into a alley.
"Hey baby." He says kissing my neck. I try kicking him away. "Shut up max." He pulls my pants down and flips me against the wall.
He slams into me.
I cry but he slams my head against the wall making me stop screaming and crying.

He stops pulls my pants back up and looks me in the eyes. "I'm done with you Max. Kill yourself!" He kicks me in the stomach and I fall down the wall. I squeeze my eyes shut and someone walks over gasping. I jump away from whoever they are. "It's Justin." I look up through my tears and my hoodie sleeve. I hang my arms up and he kneels down wrapping my legs around his waist. "H-he raped m-m-me j-j." I cry. "Shhhh. I'm here now Maxxy." I nod into his shoulder.
I feel him start walking.
"I won't let anyone hurt you Max." I nod slightly. I what a door open. We're in either PTV's bus or SWS's.  "What happened?" That's tony. "Guys stop talking so loud." Justin said quieter then tony.
I crawl off of him and run into the bunk area. Okay more like sprint.
I close my eyes and start sobbing.

Adopted by Vic FuentesWhere stories live. Discover now