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One month later
Max's POV

Schools been hell. I'm failing cause I can never concentrate between detention and getting beat to death.
My dad doesn't even seem to care. He's to busy with whatever he's doing to notice his son coming home almost everyday covered in bruises.
But today was worse.
I skipped detention because I couldn't even feel my arm. I felt like I was going to throw up.
I limped home and opened the door. My dads gone again but tony and mike are there.
They rush over to me. "Are you okay?" For once I tell the truth. I shake my head.
Mike picks me up and carries me to the bathroom.
"What happened." I sigh. "The same thing that's been happening since school started. But vic is to busy doing whatever he's doing to pay attention to his son." I say as tears roll down my face. Mike just hugs me as tony calls my dad.
"My grades are failing cause I'm either late to class cause I'm getting beat or I can't pay attention."
Mike hugs me tighter. Tony walks over.
"Well we start tour in 5 days. Your being homeschooled no matter what your fu.cking dad says." I nod against mikes chest.
"Please don't make me go to school tomorrow." Mike shakes his head.
"Your not." I put my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. He carries some somewhere.
My dad will be mad cause I still have an hour of school left.

The front door opens. "Why isn't he at school!" I flinch at the yelling. Mike rubs my back. "While your out with your whore your sons getting beat to death at school." I cringe and dig my head more into his chest. "Shhh it's okay Maxxy." He whispers.
I nod.
Vic walks over and pulls me out of mikes arms.
"Dude stop being an asshole to the kid." I try to grab mike but vic holds me back.
"Your grounded." I just sigh and nod walking upstairs dragging my foot behind me. I can't really feel my leg. When Adam threw me into the wall he sprained my ankle pretty bad.
I got in my room and collapsed on the bed.
I didn't want to talk to anyone.
I just wanted to curl up and die.

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