•Chapter 1•

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Laylah Waters POV

"Uh that doesn't make since Mr. Wallace" I giggled at my student.

"Well I give up" he put his hand down. I was about to speak until Danasia raised her hand.

"Yes?" I asked her. The whole class looked back at her.

"Well to me there is no such thing as love at first sight. I mean how can you meet a person one day and love them the very next day? That doesn't make since. You have to know them for at least 6 months to say you love them right?" She asked

"Well l-" I got cut off by the bell. The whole class groaned.

"Can we stay a little bit longer?" Daniel asked me. And the class nodded in agreement.

"I'm sorry y'all but I'm afraid not so off to class you go" I fake pouted. They groaned and started to stand up. They were leaving slowly but surely.

"Uh Ms. Waters?" Danasia walked up to my desk.

"Yes?" I said as I started stapling the rest of the test.

"Can I ask you something?" She looked like she was a bit nervous.

"Of course anything"

"Ok..how do you know if you love someone..I mean If that person is the one for you?"

"Well to be honest Nasia I don't know. I've never been in love with someone. There's a difference tho. Are you in love with this person or do you just love this person?"

"That's the thing. I don't know"

"Well just follow your heart. That's all I can say I guess. I'm sorry I couldn't help. But you can ask Mrs. Davis. She claims she's been in love 10 times" we both lightly giggled

"Let's keep this conversation between us please" She said

"Oh of course I will" I gave her a quick hug and she was out of the class.


I walked down the school hallway with like 3 binders in my hand. They were very heavy since I had many classes.

I heard all the students whispering about me to their friends.

"Ayo Ms. Waters let me help you wit dat" Shawn asked as he walked away from his friends.

"Oh well thank you Shawn" I gave him 2 of the binders and we walked to the meeting rooms.

When we made it there I thanked Shawn and I walked into the room.

"I'm sorry I'm late. That class did not want to leave" I nervously chuckled.

"I see" the principal started

"We were talking about the SLO's test that the students took a few months ago. They all were very low" he said

"Well they are SlOS's test. They didn't learn that stuff yet. Aren't they suppose to be low?"

"Not on a 7th grade level"

"Yeah I agree. These kids are getting out of hand and they barley want to learn of listen" Ms. Ellace said.

"Well I don't have that problem in my class" I said

"Only because your the finest teacher at this school. All the girls want to be you and all the boys want to get with you" Mr. Dotson said.

"Well it's not my fault y'all can't control your classes. Last time I checked all of my classes have the highest end of the year test grades every year so I know I'm doing fine. Now continue." I sipped some of my bottle of water. Well it's actually vodka but it looks like water. I need liquor to deal with these teahers.


Bryson Tiller POV

Hol hol hol up freeze
Whatcha boy come in with ease
You would not believe
I'll come in yo dreams
Make you cum in yo jeans
Shawty so fresh she don't need summereve
Loose a joker and sumin the king
Better hope I don't come in between
Dope dick will turn you-

"Stop! Just stop!" My manager yelled

"What now" I rolled my eyes and sighed

"...are you even trying right now. You sound dead"

"What are you talkung about?"

"Look Pen you have a performance in less than 6 hours so you have to do better bruh. Start over" he played the music.

I sighed and grabbed the microphone. Right now we're just doing a sound check.

I've been on tour for about 5 months now and it started off fun but now I'm just tired.


"Wassup bruh?" I asked my brother Eric. We just finished the sound check so now we're getting my clothes ready. The concert is in about 2 hours.

"Chill out. You gone do great. You starting to sweat like a fucking pig" he lightly chuckled

"I'm not nervous if that's what your trying to say. I just need this to be good. My manager is putting all this pressure on me"

"You want me to handle him for you?"

"Nah. Where Harley at?"

"Oh I forgot to tell you. Her mom called and said that she was sick so she couldn't come"

"Well she could've called me" I mumbled

The relationship I have with my baby mama is complicated. One minute were yelling at each other and the next were acting like we're a couple. I still have feelings for her and she still has feelings for me but we agreed on just being parents to Harley and that's it.

"Enough about yo baby mama what are you doing after you perform?"

"Uh I might FaceTime Harley then right down some lyrics why?"

"Nigga Drake having a huge party. And since you guys are coo or whatever he invited us"

"Nah imma pass on that one fam"


"Cuz that ain't my type of crowd"

"Nigga this is Drake we talking about. Do you know how many famous people gone be there. Nicki, Rihanna, Chris Brown, Future, and even French Montana bruh. You going to that party. This can help your career bruh"

"I'll think about it" I said as I adjusted myself in my chair.


How is it so far? I just wanted to try a new idea. But trust me it's going to get better. Don't forget to follow me, comment, and vote in this book.😀

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