•Chapter 27•

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Excuse any mistakes

Laylah Pov

After bryson left this morning I went straight to the hospital. I knew I shouldn't be missing all these work days but this was an emergency. On my way there I was talking to my dad on the phone.

"Hey daddy" I sighed. I put him on speaker phone and put my
phone in the cup holder.

"Hey babygirl what you doing?" he sounded out of breath but I was scared to ask him what he was doing so i just dropped that question.

"I'm heading to the hospital right now. Misty was shot" it hurt to say those words. It was still so unreal to me.

"Oh shit. Is she ok?"

"Well her mom told me that she was in a coma" I pulled up to the hospital looking for a parking spot.

"Well who shot her?"

"We don't know yet. I found out last night that the police found her at a old abandoned house. But I hope she wakes up" I cut the car off and grabbed my purse and my leather coat because they be having the hospital freezing.

"She will baby girl dont worry. What about Gabriel?"

"Misty mom told me that she will take care of him and his father"

"Well I'll be praying for her. I gotta get back to work. I just called to check up on ya" I mentally sighed. At least he was at work i thought he was doing something else if you know what I mean.

"Alright I'll call you later"

"Bye baby girl. I love you"

"I love you too"

"Alright bye"

"Bye" I hung up the phone and started to walk into the hospital. I was so scared to hear what these doctors had to say.

When I got inside the hospital I walked straight to the elevator. It was just about to close when I heard someone yell "hold it!". I put my hand inside to hold the elevator and Frank jogged in.

"Thanks" he was kinda out of breath and he looked like he hasn't slept in a long time.

"No problem"

"You look pretty" he smiled.

"Oh thanks. You look horrible" he chuckled and shrugged.

"I know I've been kinda stressed out." He pressed the number 2 and i pressed 5.

"What's wrong? And I'm sorry I didn't call you back last night. I was busy"

"Nah it's ight. And my brother homeboy in here. He just got out of jail but he was shot last night. So im here to support."

"Oh I'm sorry to hear that"

"It's coo. What about you? Is Bryson here?"

"No he's not. My bestfreind was shot"

The elevator stopped at level2 and The doors opened.

"Well I'll pray for her. Give me a call when you get home. Maybe I can take you out to lunch" he grinned and walked out.

"I'll think about it" I said truthfully. He chuckled and walked down the hallway.

When I got to the 5th floor I felt like my heart was skipping a beat. I looked at my phone to see a text.

Room 267
-Misty mom

I started walking down the hallway until I saw room 267. I knocked on the door and i heard a soft voice say come in.

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