•Chapter 26•

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Laylah Pov

I have no idea what to do. My best friend just died and the man who raped me is out of jail. I should be at the hospital with my best friend but here I am crying into Bryson' s chest. I know after this I'm going to have to tell him about my past but I just want to forget it.

My cries slowed down. So I was just sniffing trying to get myself together. I pulled away and looked at the floor as my breathing got normal again. I sighed rubbed my eyes. I didn't even want Bryson to see me like this but i know he wouldn't judge me. I felt him rub my back and stare at me with sympathy.

"I'm sorry" I said lowly

"For what?" He said in a confused tone.

"..for this." I looked around the room. "I'm a complete mess right now"

"No don't he sorry. I've been in worse situations. I'm just glad you're not dead. When I came in here I was so confused. Ion like seein you like this. You gotta tell me what's wrong Lay." He lightly coughed

"I know, I know. I just dont want to"

"Why not? You Can tell me anything. I won't judge"

"I know you wont. But it's embarrassing"

"Come on Lay...look I don't wanna pressure you to tell me what's wrong with you so just forget it" I could tell he was getting annoyed.

"No I'll tell you. I gotta tell someone anyway" I deeply sighed again. "Well when I was 12 my uncle raped me. Then a few months later i told my mom and dad. My mom didn't believe me but my dad did so he got him to go to jail for life. Then today I heard on the news that he was out of jail. I started to have a anxiety attack so i started the shower because i was sweating. Knowing the fact that he is out of prison just scares me. Then my friend Misty mom called me and told me that Misty was dead." He stared ahead at my wall and did nothing. He slowly nodded his head and looked at me.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know you went through all of that. And I'm sorry about your friend. I'm not gonna lie, I'm not good with words when it comes to stuff like this but just know I'm here for you." He half smiled. I smiled a little.

"Thank you Bry"

"It's no problem. I'm just happy you opened up to me. Dont worry about your uncle because i won't let nothing happen to you. And thats a promise."

"I gotta call someone" I grabbed my phone and dialed Misty mom number.

"While you do that Imma go down and get your stuff" he got up and walked out the room.


"Ms. King tell me it's not true"

"I'm sorry. I know I probably scared the shit outta you. There is good news and bad news. The good news is that she's not dead. The bad news it the she is in a coma. Someone found her in a house on the floor. She was shot several times."

"Oh my god" i covered my mouth as I panted. "Well when will she wake up?"

"The doctor said a maybe a few days or longer. It can last all The way to 6 months but only god knows"

"Well whose gonna stay with Gabriel?"

"Me and his father"

"Where are you?"

"University Hospital"

"Ok. I'll be up there first thing in the morning Ms. King. I'm not feeling too well right now"

"Ok I understand"

"And please tell Gabriel I love him"

"I will. I'll see you tomorrow"

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