•Chapter 19•

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Swan in the media☝

Laylah Pov

Right now it was 11:21 pm. I was driving to Bryson house. After that incident tonight I just wanted a smoke yo calm my nerves. After Bryson left the police came but Russel didn't dare press charges because of his background. I pulled up to his house and called him.

"Wassup" he coughed

"Hey, I'm outside unlock the door"

"Ight" he hung up the phone and seconds later I saw him open the front door. I grabbed my phone and walked into his house.

"Ooo" I mumbled as I examined his face. It was dry blood on his cheek and his eye was little swollen.

"When did you get home?" I asked as I followed him in his room. The lights were cut off.

"About 2 minutes ago" he chuckled as he sat on his bed and turned on his TV.

"Are you ok?" I sighed as I sat next to him. I stared at the side of his face. He had this blank expression on his face.

"I should be asking you the same thing" he then finally turned to look at me.

"Me?" I sighed and rubbed my hands together "I'm ok. You didn't have to fight him you know"

"I know. But he did put his hands on me first. And what do I look like leaving you with that nigga while y'all clearly arguing. He looked like he wanted to hit you." he started
"Besides, he seemed like he needed his ass whipped"

"He did...uhm..did you see the video of you fighting? A girl I'm facebook friends with shared it." He groaned and shook his head

"Damn. That's gonna possibly fuck up my career" he finally stopped changing channels and turned up the volume.

"Maybe.. maybe not. But I just wanted to say sorry"

"For what?" He asked with a confused look.

"Ion know exactly, I guess for tonight.. I'm just used to saying sorry. Don't mind me. I'm weird" I lightly laughed but it was the truth. I was so used to saying sorry to people it just became a habit. Sometimes I just say sorry for no reason. Like I said.. I'm weird.

"You're not weird but you do talk alot" he chuckled

"I know"

"You wanna hit?" He asked as he pulled out a joint and a black n mild.

"Yeah" I shrugged as I grabbed the black n mild out his hand. He lit it for me and we just sat on his bed watching the boondocks. It was the episode with R.Kelly and this was one of my favorites.

"Why R.Kelly? Huh? What did R.Kelly do to you?" I mocked Riley. "He urinated on a under aged girl" "Ok ok. But let's examine this. So if I pee in the toilet it's ok? But if I pee on a person it's like..not ok?"

"Damn you know all the words" Bryson chuckled.

"This is my favorite episode" I said

"I like the one with the fundraiser and Cindy beat the lil girl because of the chocolate" we both laughed

"So..I saw you with that dude at my concert. Who is he?"

"Oh he's my friend. I met him at a tattoo shop. Remember when we went to the arcade?" I asked and he nodded his head. "That's the guy I was talking to"

"Oh. I knew he looked familiar. So are y'all like...you know.." I just looked at him in a confusing way.

"Are we dating?" I finished his sentence

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