•Chapter 18•

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Exscuse any mistakes.

Laylah Pov

"I was so dead when you pushed that girl" I laughed as I unlocked my car door. The concert had just ended and I was just waiting on Bryson so we could go to the club. I was super excited because I heard Drake was going to be there.

"I told you it was a accident" he chuckled

"Nah Frank. I seen yo face when you did it. You lucky she ain't get her lil gang to beat cho ass"

"She wasn't gone do shit. But uh...so I'm ha-"

"Aye Lay!" I turned around to see Russel. I rolled my eyes and leaned on my car.

"What?" I said with alot of attitude.

"You know him?" Frank mumbled

"Yeah. He is my ex boyfriend" I sighed

"...oh" he said awkwardly.
"I didn't know you would be here" he still did that sexy grin.

"Hm" was all i said. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms.

"I uh..I came to your house the other day. Your sister wouldnt let me see you"

"I know. Because I didn't want to see you"

"I-i'll call you later" Frank gave me a side hug then he walked to his car and left. I looked back at Russel and he looked pissed.

"So that's my replacement?" He clenched his jaw and his hands balled up into a fist.


"You heard me"

"What do you want. I haven't talked to you in 8 years. What do you want?"

"And in those 8 years I've been thinking about us. I know I messed up but I was young and dumb and I regret everything. I'm sorry. I need you" I looked at him like he was crazy.

"Hol up...freeze. You wait 8 years to apologize to me? Get away from me. Just leave me alone. It's like everytime I become happy again someone messes it up!" I yelled

"So he makes you happy?"


"Dat nigga that just walked away!"

"He is my fr-you know what. Ion even gotta explain shit to yo ass!"

"I bet he can't please you like I can" he tried to grab my hand but I punched him in his chest.

"Are you fucking crazy?! When are you gonna get this through your thick ass skull? I don't want you anymore. I hate you now. I'm done. It's been 8 fucking years! Move on son!" I yelled louder. Now he's pissing my off. How is he gonna just come up to me after 8 years and say 'i need you'? That's some bull shit!

Bryson Pov

"You did great Bry" Dana squealed. Kc and Swan groaned and rolled their eyes. I'm starting to notice that they don't like her.

"Is something wrong with y'all eyes?" Dana asked with her hand on her hip.
"Bitch is something wrong with yo throat? You been fucking squealing all damn night. You sound like a dolphin shut the fuck up hoe!" Kc yelled. Tyriek got in the middle of them.

"Tyriek I love you like a brother so I'm gonna tell you to move before I swing on yo ass" Kc said with her eyes closed And Tyriek quickly moved out the way.

"Bitch y-"Dana stepped up to Kc.

"Now that is what you don't want to do. Don't call me no bitch. I'll drag yo ass down this side walk" Kc put her index finger in Dana face. And I knew she was about to swing because she hates that.

"Aye chill wit all dat" I tried to break it up. But they kept arguing.

"Bryson you need to handle ya bitch!" Kc yelled as she tried to swing on Dana but Dana blocked it. Right after they started fighting. Kc had Dana in a head lock as she punched her in the face. I tried to pull KC off of her but then Dana got out of the head lock and slapped Kc hard as hell.

It took Geff, Swan, Tyriek, me, and 3 security guards to get them off of each other. They had to escort Dana out because she was having a damn tantrum while Kc just laughed.

"Yo chill" Geff tried to calm her down

"Nah bruh. That bitch got the last hit. Imma beat her ass" Kc shook her leg up and down.

"Really?! Beat my ass then hoe. Cash me outside how bout dat bitch!" Dana yelled from outside. Kc jumped up so fast she was like Bolt. Me and Geff pulled her back but she was strong asf.

"Chill! Kc chill!" I pushed her back in the seat.

"You really gone do this at my concert?!...really. out of all the places you could fight, you fight here?!" I yelled now highly pissed.

"Look Bryson I'm sorry that I did this at your place of work but I'm telling you now. When I see her...her ass is mine"

I shook my head and grabbed my coat. Right now I just wanted to go home a smoke. I don't feel like talking at all right now.

When I got outside I saw Laylah arguing with some dude.

"Get off me! Imma get Pumpkin on yo ass!" She pushed him.

"Lord" I mumbled. I knew at some point I had to walk up so why not do it now. She looked pissed off and I knew what we both needed.

"Is there a problem?" I asked as I looked in between her and the dude.

"No. Let's go" she crossed her arms and sighed

"And if there was, what was you gone do!" The dude stepped up. I chuckled and shook my head.

"I highly suggest that you back up" I said

"Oh my gosh it's Bryson!" A screaming girl and her friend yelled

Where is security?

"And if I don't?" He pushed me then I immediately punched him in his face causing him to stumble back.
I'm not gone lie. He got a few hits in but I was like a flea on his ass. Soon the security guards broke us up and then Swan, and Tyriek came outside.

I turned my head to see the screaming girl video taping the whole thing.

"Great" I mumbled. I looked around for Laylah but I didn't see her.

"Where is Laylah" I asked Swan now out of breath.

"She over there but are you ight?"

"Yeah" I ran over to Laylah. She was standing by the bush whike rubbing her head.

"Are you ok?" I asked and I looked her in the eyes.

"Yeah but you're not. You're bleeding" she touched my nose.

"Oh" I chuckled "I'm fine"

"You should go before the paparazzi come" she pushed my toward my car.

"Oh you're right. Call me when you get home" i gave her a hug and ran to my car.

Some night this turned out to be


I'm sooo sorry. I'm horrible at writing fighting scenes as you can tell. But I'll try harder.

Qotd: Who is you're favorite character(s) so far? Why?

I like Swan and Kc because they chill af and they silly.

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