•Chapter 38•

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Laylah Pov

When I got to the park I sat under the tree I always sit under and drew some pictures. I really wish I got my phone so I could listen to some music.

I would go to Kayla house but I know she would ask me a butt load of questions. And I don't feel like talking.

I love Bryson but sometimes he just says stupid shit. I know he probably didn't mean it like that but he still said it. I'm very sensitive at times and when he said that I just wanted to beat his ass. Maybe I shouldn't of reacted like that but I couldn't help it.

I dont know why all of this is happening to me. I didn't do anything to deserve this. I wish people would just let me be happy. Ever since I met Bryson I've been slightly happy but now that my uncle is out of jail I just wanna die. Im not saying I wanna kill myself but I wish there was some way for me to just disappear from earth for a while.

The thing that's hurting me most is that my family is doing this to me. I even thought of Misty as my sister but turns out she was a fake bitch. I get so tired of this shit. I cant even have children because of my uncle. I keep telling myself that one day I'll have my own little family but I know that wont happen.

Thats why I teach kids. Its the little bit of a family I will ever have. Thats why I'm so close to my students.

I hate that I'm gonna have to leave Bryson here but its the best. I cant be in a relationship while my life is fucked up. I need to get myself together.. for me. I knew I shouldn't have gotten serious with him. I should've kept my distance like I do everybody else.

I felt someone staring at me as I was drawing. I looked around and saw nothing but darkness. I sighed and started to gather my things. Ive been here for over 5 hours and its dark so I should get back home. As I was brushing off my clothes I heard someone call my name. It was familiar voice but I didn't know who it was.

"Laylah" they called out again.

"Aww shit" I groaned and started running to my car. Im not about to die.. at least not right now.

As I was running the voice got louder.

"Why are you running Laylah?" The voice sounded like a woman. As I started running faster I couldnt see my car anywhere. Then I started to panic. I started running down the street to try to find someone. I was stopped by Dana. She stood in front of me with a evil smirk on her face. She had 3 people standing beside her. I blinked my eyes a few times and realized the people were my uncle, my mama, and Frank. They all had guns in their hands.

"What do yall want from me?" I sniffed. I felt like crying because I knew now was my last day on earth.

"Revenge sweethart" my uncle smiled. I looked down at what I was holding. All I had was a pen, a piece of paper, and my car keys. There wasn't much I could do.

"I didn't do anything to yall. Frank I trusted you"

"Its all business Lay. Im sorry" he said and shrugged. They all stood there in all black and I knew there was no way I could get away from them.

"Ive been watching you munchskin" my uncle said calling me my old nickname.

"Dont call me that!" I yelled

"Wooo! Somebodys mad" my mom laughed. "Calm down now"

"Shut up bitch!" I yelled. A second later I felt a sharp pain in my leg. I yelled out in pain and fell to the ground. I started sobbing as I felt the pain get worser.

"Tsk tsk tsk" my uncle shook his head and walked closer to me. "You shouldn't have said that. Were taking you with us" he yanked me by my hair and pulled me up. For some reason the whole street was empty and there was no street lights on. Thats how I knew this was planned.

"Please" I cried as he pulled me to their car.

"Ain't no please" I started swinging and yelling for dear life but no one came. I felt a fist connect to my nose causing blood to come gushing out my nose.

"Let her go!!" I heard a voice yell. I realized it was Bryson.

"Bryson!" I yelled but I felt another sharp pain shoot through my shoulder.

"Say something else and it'll be youre head next" My mama gritted in my ear. I cried harder and said a silent prayer in my head.

"I said let her go!" Bryson ran up to us but Frank shot him in her legs to times.

"Bryson!" I cried harder and tried to get out of their grip but that only caused more pain to shoot through my body. A second later I heard 4 loud gun sounds. I closed my eyes tightly and I fell to the ground. I opened my eyes and there stood Russel with a gun in his hand. I looked around and my uncle was no where to be found but everybody else laid on the ground with blood all over the ground. I tried to stand up but it hurted so bad. I dont know where he came from but I'm glad he was here.

"Are you ok!?" He ran towards me and searched for his phone in his pocket.

"No" I cried. I looked around and Bryson was limping towards me.

"Im about to call 911" he finally found his phone and started dialing 911. When Bryson got closer to me he helped me up and pulled me into a hug.

"Ouch" I hissed because my shoulder was still in pain.

"I'm so sorry baby" he whispered in my ear and kissed me all over my face.

"I'm sorry too" I cried. I opened my eyes and saw my uncle standing behind in front of us holding his stomach. My eyes widened as I saw him hold up his gun.

"I love y-"

"Watch out!" I yelled and then Bryson fell to the ground with blood leaking from his chest.

"Ahhhh!!!" I yelled and fell to the ground. Then Russel shot my uncle in the head. "Bryson get up!" I started shaking him but he wouldnt wake up.

"The ambulance is on the way" Russel ran over to us and bent down in front of Bryson.

"We dont have time to wait on them! Pick him up!" A few seconds later the ambulance came rushing down the street. They picked him up and put him the the ambulance. I limped towards the car he was in and tried to get in. My body was in so much pain right now.

"Im sorry ma'am you have to come with us" the man tried to lead me towards the second ambulance but I refused to leave Bryson's side.

"No I'm not leaving him!" I yelled

"Ma'ma you are loosing a lot of blood. I promise you will see him when we get to the hospital" he assured me.

"No!" I cried

"Laylah you have to go with him. Im coming with you. He's gonna be ok" Russel said but I didn't believe him. I sighed and got into the ambulance.

This is too much.


This chapter is short I know.

I know I said there was like 15 chapters left butttt I changed my mind. Chapter 43 is the last chapter. I might make a bonus chapter. Idk yet.

Qotd: how many bestfriends do you have?

1 bestfriend and 4 friends

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