•Chapter 4•

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Ahh! Today is my mf birthday!🎉🎊🎈. I'm officially 13 years old! It would really make my day if I got 100 votes on this book by the 10th. So tell your friends and family about this and my other book 'My Treasure'.

Laylah POV

"Ms. Waters I don't get it. Why would he kill himself?" Shawn asked

"Because he loved Juliet so much that he wanted to be with her for the rest of his life. He knew Juliet was dead so he thought there was no since in living" I said

"But aren't they in hell? I mean if you commit suicide don't you go to hell?" Charlet asked me

"Yeah, at least they can suffer in hell together" Shawn said and a few students laughed.

Today we are finishing up reading Romeo and Juliet. I can't believe they've never read the book or seen the movie.

"Ok now it's time for the fun part. I want each of you to find a partner and I want y'all to do a project for me. The project is to look up some information on the book and make a skecth book summarizing the whole book only using pictures. It is due after the break so that's in 2 and a half weeks." Everyone started whispering and and moving to different seats.

"Can we choose 2 partners?" Denitsy asked

"Uhm.. sure you can choose 2 partners" I shrugged.

The reason why I chose this project is because I love art and I want these students to understand what the book is about because sometimes pictures explain a thousand words.

I was walking around the class helping the kids when I heard my phone ding in my pocket indicating I had a text.

I pulled it out to see that Bryson followed me on Instagram. I was about to put my phone back in my picket until I saw that he DM me.

Hey do you remember me?

Wat do you want? I'm at work😒

Oh my bad. Wat time you get off?

None of ya business

I put my phone back in my pocket then I finished helping my students.


Bryson Tiller

"Damn shawty don't like yo ass" my brother Eric laughed. We are just on the tour bus. We just got to Washington DC so we're heading to IHOP now.

Ever since yesterday Laylah was all I could think about. I don't know why cause I barley know her it's just her vibe. She playing hard to get or either she's just not interested but it's coo tho.

I was trying to find her on Facebook and I couldn't find her until I got on Instagram and looked up her name. When I found her I DM her but she cut the conversation real short. I was about to text her back but I decided not to. I wonder where she works at. Maybe she is a stripper...nah she look to too clean to be a stripper.

"Aye bruh come on" Geff said to me as everyone got off the bus.

I nodded my head and we made our way inside.


"So what you doing after this tour is over?" Tyriek asked me

"Uhm probably spend some time with Harley and write some new songs. You?"

"Uh ion know. My restaurant is having its grand opening in about another month so I'm going to be busy there"

"After this concert Chris Brown is having a after party and he invited all of us. Y'all down?" Eric asked

"Shit yeah!" They yelled in usion.

"Uh..yeah I'll go." I shrugged

"Good cause I didn't want to have to drag yo ass there" Geff said

The rest of the morning we ate breakfast but I wasn't really hungry I was just talking to Harley.


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