•Chapter 40•

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Laylah outfit in the media.

Shout out to Alicia_Barrow and BreezySoCrazy and EverydayJada for voting and commenting. 😊

Excuse any mistakes

11 months later
Laylah Pov

I sighed as I made it to my dad house. I am suppose to be happy since it is his birthday today. But Bryson still hasn't woken up. He has made a little progress but I'm starting to loose hope. I go and see him for about 4 hours and day just to talk to him and let him in on what's going on.

A few weeks ago he mumbled something but went right back to his coma. His family has began to hate me because of what happened. Even Eric isn't talking to me. That has made my depression worser knowing that even more people hate me. I try to stay strong and not let them get to me.

Me and my dad relationship is getting better ever since all of this happened. He still mentions my mom sometimes. Everytime he does that he pisses me off. But I know he still loves her. Its stupid to me but I cant control his emotions.

I got changed to the assistant principal at work last month also. So starting in August I will be getting paid more money. Its good and all but I haven't been focused on all that.

Alot of things have happened. Dana is still missing but honestly Im tired of all the drama. I just wanna live my life and not have to worry about her trying to kill me. Come to find out she is really pregnant tho. I still don't know who the father is but I don't care.

Kayla and Eric are still together. I'm really happy for them because my sister hasn't been with anybody since Kyle dad was sent to jail. She is just a different person now. She is happy and has a little family of her own. She is a month pregnant. She was scared at first but after a while of me explaining stuff to her she got better.

Me and Misty haven't talked since that fight we had and I honestly miss Gabriel. He is my god son but I just cant see or talk to Misty again. I know he is going to feel like I forgot about him but this is the best decision because if I see Misty again I don't know what I might do. And me... I'm just focused on Bryson. He is my main priority.

When I made it to my dad house I saw many cars parked outside of the house. I sighed and grabbed the present I bought him from the back seat. I locked the doors and walked towards the back yard since I heard music coming from back there.

When I got back there I saw people dancing and sitting around drinking. Most of the people I recognized from the barbershop kyle goes to but everyone else was new to me.

I looked around to try and find my dad but I didn't see him. I scanned to yard and saw Ms. Jenkins talking to someone. I starting walking up to her and tapped her shoulder.

"Oh hey Laylah!" Ms. Jenkins is always hyper.

"Hi how you doing?" I tried to make small talk.

"Im good. I haven't seen you in a while. I heard about you're boyfriend. Im so sorry. I been praying for yall" she smiled

"Thank you. I really appreciate it. He is still the same but have you seen my dad?" I looked around the yard again.

"Oh he is inside getting a case of beers"

"Oh ok it was nice seeing you again" I smiled and began walking in the house. I sat his present on the kitchen table. He was looking in the refrigerator.

"Happy birthday!" I yelled and gave him a hug.

"Shit!" He grabbed his heart and leaned on the counter.

"What?" I frowned

"You scared the living shit outta me girl" he sighed and rubbed his chest. "You almost gave me a heart attack.

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