•Chapter 23•

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Laylah Pov

I watched as Bryson blew the steam from the soup. It was so sweet of him to stay with me even tho he had to work. He reached his arm out and fed me.

"Thanks for staying with me. I know you were going to be busy today" I said

"No problem. I was just gone go to the studio and smoke a few blunts and chill that's all." He shrugged. I nodded my head.

"You know I can feed myself right?"

"Yeah I know but I wanted to." He smirked

I wanted to ask him about how he left about me so bad but I was scared about his answer. I deeply sighed as I was in deep thought.

"What's wrong?" He rubbed my thigh.

This is what I mean! He is treating me like I'm his girl but when we go out in public he says 'oh we're just friends'. It's so confusing!

"Nothing" I fake smiled

"You lying to me"

"No I'm not. I just don't feel good that's all"

"Well did you take your medicine?"

"Yeah I took it a few minutes ago" he nodded his head and put the empty bowl on my night stand. And he just stared at me.

"Can you stop staring at me" I put my head down and played with my fingers.

"Am I making you nervous?" He chuckled.

"No" I lied.

"Well it's time for you to get some rest. I'll be back in a few hours to check on you. I gotta handle something" I lightly pouted but fixed my face before he would notice.

"Ok. The spare key in under the carpet on the porch." I turned on my side. I felt him staring at me a few more seconds later he walked out. I deeply sighed in frustration. I picked up my phone and decided to call Frank. I'm bored like crazy and he makes me laugh.

"Yo?" I heard his voice.

"Hey Frank what are you doing"

"Oh driving. I just picked up my brother homeboy from jail. What about you?"

"I'm at home sick. Laying down"

"You got a cold?"

"No a small fever but Bryson just bought me some medicine so I should be ok by tomorrow"

"Well I hope you feel better. Imma come by and bring you something"
"Nah you don't have to do that."

"Nah I want to-" he got cut off by a man's voice in the background. It sounded oddly familiar but I couldn't recognize the voice all the way.

"Is that her?"

"Imma call you back" Frank hung up the phone. I looked at it strangely then I put it on my nightstand. I decided to just watch tv since I was at home alone. I grabbed the remote and turned to Wildin' Out. I watched that until I fell asleep.

Bryson Pov

Since tomorrow is Valentine's day I wanted to go but something for my Grandma and Harley. I was kinda upset when Britney came and picked Harley up this morning but I know that she is her child too. I didn't know much about what girls liked so I decided to invite Dana. I felt bad about what happened last time we saw each other. Plus she is leaving to go back to DC tomorrow so i wanted us to spend sometime together. I stopped infront of this small apartment. Then seconds later Dana walked out with a gray short ass dress on and some gray Jordans. When she got in the car I looked at her like she was crazy.

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