•Chapter 7•

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Misty is in the media

Kayla Pov

"Mommy can I get some?" Kyle asked me

"Sure baby" I grabbed a spoon and a plate then I gave him some of my Chinese food.

"Thank you. When am I going to see daddy?" He asked

"Uhm baby I thought we talked about this. Daddy is in jail. I'm sorry but he won't be getting out any time soon"

"Why did he go to jail?"

I explained to Kyle that his dad is in jail but I didn't tell him why yet because I don't want him to think his daddy didn't love him because Kyle loves his son very much.

Every once in a while I take Kyle to the jail visit his dad but I haven't been doing it lately.

"He made some bad decisions now he has to face the consequences. But daddy still loves you and I promise I will take you to see him soon"

"Ok" he nodded his head and ran to his room with his food. I sighed and grabbed my phone to see if I had any text and I didn't so I just laid on the sofa. It's kinda boring just sitting around the house and not doing anything. I can't wait till I get me a new job. I'm about to quit working at the nail salon cause these Asian bitches getting on my nerves.

"Let me call Lay Lay" I mumbled to myself as I picked up my phone again.

"Hello" I said

"Hey Kay what you doing!" She practically yelled

"Girl why are you yelling?"

"Misty got this loud ass music on in the car"

"Oh well I'm just sitting at home. Where are y'all going?"

"We heading to my dad house real quick then me and Misty are going to the tattoo place. You wanna come?"

"Nah I ain't got nobody to watch Kyle"

"Call yo mama."

"You mean our mama?"

"No I mean yo mama. If she was my mama she would have believed me when I said her punk ass daddy raped me"

"Ok lets not bring up sad shit. But I would ask mama but you she kinda sick right now"

"No the hell she ain't. She faking just like she was faking the last 3 times"

"Lay chill. Look I'll hit you up and see if I can find a baby sitter but
I doubt it so go ahead and have fun with yo best friend" I hung up the phone.

It's something about Misty I don't like. She hasn't did anything to me or my sister it's just a gut feeling. Some people say I'm just anti social or boujee but I think Misty is trying to take Laylah away from me. I know it sounds crazy but that's just how I feel.

I decided to have a day for just me and Kyle so I went into my room to change my clothes.

I put on my white pants. My gray sweater and my brown coat.

"Kyle!" I yelled as I walked to his room

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"Kyle!" I yelled as I walked to his room. When I walked in he was playing mortal Kombat. He is addicted to that damn game I swear.

"Kyle" I said again

"Yes?" He asked while keeping his eyes on the game.

"Come on we bout to go out today" I said as I started looking in his draws for an outfit.

"Can we go to the park?" She asked finally pausing the game.

"You just wanna see that lil girl" I smacked my teeth.

"Nuh uh" he shook his head fast.

"Well maybe but first we gotta go to the bank" I'm thinking about doing a application for a bank because ion wanna work at no fast food restaurant. I do have a degree for accounting tho so I might as well put it to use.

"Ok" he un paused hid game and started playing his game again.


Laylah Pov

"Ow nigga damn!" Misty yelled. For the past 10 minutes she has been yelling because of the tattoo she is getting. Tbh it's only a little heart so it's really not that painful.

"Alright I need you to stop moving babygirl" the man said as he dipped the needle in the ink.

"Girl you gotta be still" I sighed. I've been recording for a while and my phone was staring to go dead so I was tryna hurry this thing up.

"I'm trying!...ow! Uh uh! I quit" she stood up and grabbed her purse.

"Ugh! Stop being so scary. You done waisted this man time" I rolled my eyes. The man stood up and put his supplies down.

"Nah it's coo. A lot of people come in here doing the same thing. But aye can I get cho number" he licked his lips. I frowned and turned around thinking he was talking to somebody else but there wasn't anyone behind me.

"Yeah he talking to you" Misty said

"Oh me?" I asked

"Uh.. yeah" he chuckled

"Um how old are you and what's yo name?" He looked like he was about 22 and I don't date younger guys because I think some are immature. But I guess I'll give him a chance since he handsome.

"I'm 25 but age ain't nothing but a number baby and my name is Frank but people call me Ace" he licked his lips once again. He did not look slim at all. He was very muscular and very tall.


"Um ion like giving out my number so you can just DM me on Instagram or twitter"

"Alright what's yo name gorgeous?" He smiled and I started to blush.

"My name is Laylah but on Instagram and Twitter I'm Laylahthefinest"

"Alright imma definitely hit you up" I nodded my head.

"I'll catch you later" I smiled and me and Misty walked out.

"Girrl he was fine asf! But he ain't finner than Bryson Tiller" she stuck her tongue out making a silly face.

"Yes he is" I said just to make her mad. But he was fine tho.

"Lies! You know you like him cause if you didn't you wouldn't have been texting him for the past month and a half."

"I don't like Bryson Tiller. If you want me hook y'all up I will"

"Well shiid go ahead"

We walked to her car then we got in. Misty put her phone on the aux cord and she put on Set You Free.

"Hol hol hol up..freeze. whatcha boy come in with ease I'll c-" I started singing but she cut me off.

"How you know that song?"

"I heard it a few days ago and I've been listening to it ever since, why?"

"Hmm" she continued to sing. Sometimes she acts so weird.


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