•Chapter 30•

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Shout out to Deonna_Dobre and ChrissyChris19 for voting and commenting.

I didn't proof read so excuse any mistakes

Bryson Pov

"Harley what are you doing?" I laughed. I had just picked her up about 2 hours ago. Even tho I had a tight schedule and i had to be at an event in 2 hours I wanted to spend time with her as much as I could. It was now 11:03. I didn't wanna be like those father's who get famous and forget about their child.

"I'm dancing" she said in a duh tone.

"Oh ok" I laughed at her bad dancing. It's funny how kids her age think they are dancing by just jumping up and down. But she dances better than me because i dance like a new born deer trying to walk.

She was dancing to Dark Horse by Katy Perry and juicy j on my old Wii I had. I was about to use the bathroom until I got a text from someone.

Wats going on? I haven't talked to you in a while

I'm chillin. I know it's been a while. How u been?
- me

I don't know how Laylah would feel about me still talking to Dani now that we are a couple. But I don't think Lay would be mad. She is a chill person and she doesn't hold gruges.

I got up to use the bathroom. After I did my business I went back into the living room to see Harley dancing to Steal Her Man. I just had to video tape her and send it to my grandma. After I was done I looked at the time and knew that I only had 1 hour and 45 minutes to get to the event.

"Harley its time to go"

"Aww can I stay a little longer?" She whined

"Noo" I mocked her.

"Ok" she turned off the Wii and grabbed her back pack and a bag of honey bbq Fritos out of the pantry. I grabbed my keys and my phone. After I locked the door and hooked Harley in her car seat I drove towards her house.


"Wassup" I glanced at her through the mirror and then turned my head back to the road.

"When can I go with Uncle Eric again? I wanna see Kyle"

"Who is Kyle"

"Ms. Kayla son" I nodded my head. I remember when Eric told me him and Harley was going to go see Kayla that day I just didn't know she had a son.

"Oh well I'll have to talk to Eric about that"


"But I wan a talk to you about something serious lil bit"

"Uh huh"

"How do you feel about mommy boyfriend"

"Didn't you ask me that before?"

"I don't remember asking you"

"Oh. Well he is nice. He gave me toys and candy so i like him"

"Does he take you places and talk to you"

"He took me to the mall and we talked about mommy"

"What about mommy?"

"I don't remember daddy." I nodded my head and turned up the radio. Look At Me by Xxxtentacion was playing so i changed the station. I don't like the clean version.

A few minutes later i pulled up to Britney house. I unhooked Harley and we walked towards the door. Before I could knock Bitch ass ran out the house and almost knocked me over.

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