•Chapter 6•

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Bryson Pov

I laid in my hotel room drunk asf. I can't believe they let me get this fucking drunk. We had to leave the club early because people were shooting up the place so me and my crew left. I'm bored so I picked my phone up and went to my DM to text Laylah.

There is no need to apologize. I get mad when people bother me when I'm at work too

She probably isn't going to text back being as tho it's 1:30 in the morning.

Thanks. Why are you up so late anyway?

I can't sleep plus I just got back from the club. Hbu

Oh I've been grading test all night

Oh your a teacher?

Yeah you probably thought I was a stripper didn't you?

Well tbh i did

Ik people say that to me alot. I guess it's because of all the tattoos.

You look cute with tattoos. But how do you work with all your tattoos showing around kids

Thanks and I have to cover them up.

Oh. I didn't mean to say what I said at the mall the other day

Nah it's ight. I know what you meant.

Oh ok. Well I'll text you later gorgeous. I feel a hang over coming lol

Ttyl i guess lol. Gn and thx by the way

I threw my phone to the side of the bed. Then I drifted off to sleep.


One week later

Laylah POV

It's 1 more week till Christmas comes and I am working at the day care the whole time. But right now I'm just chilling at home. I don't feel like doing anything today but I have to go my dad's house.

Me and my mom aren't on good terms right now because she didn't believe me when I told her that my grandpa raped me (he's her dad) but my dad believed me 100%. The last time I talked to my mom was about 4 years ago at my grandmother's funeral and I'm perfectly fine with that.

I grabbed a glass out of my cabinet and I poured me a glass of orange juice.

"Bihhhhh!" I turned around quickly because I was so scared and I dropped the glass. I calmed down because it was Misty.

"Didn't I tell you about walking into my house unannounced" I rolled my eyes and started grabbed the mop and the broom.

"Oh hush you do the same thing. But guess what!"

"Why are you so damn loud and where is my god baby?"

"He with his daddy but guess what"

"What?" I started sweeping up the glass.

"Guess" she whined

"Ugh...your pregnant"

"Hell nah! I ain't having no more kids"

"Well what is it?"

"I was at home right? Being bored so I decided to go clean out my closet. And you know how Kenny used to live with me. So I was in the closet and I found a small box. So I opened it and guess what I fucking found" she held her head as she shook it.

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