•Chapter 17•

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I didn't proof read

One week later (Saturday)

Kayla Pov

"Hello?" I answered phone

"Wassup sexy?" I immediately smiled when I heard his voice.

"So that's my new nickname now" I asked

"Nah. That's just my new catch phrase"

"Well ok"

"What you doing?"

"Driving to the prison with Kyle" I sighed

"So you decided go?"

"Yeah. I don't want to keep him away from his dad"

"That's good. I know y'all miss him"

"We do but I've moved on so it's whatever to me" I half lied

"So when are you leaving"

"About 3 then me and Kyle gone hang out at home"

"That's boring. Be ready by 4:30 cause I'ma take you and Kyle out" I was kinda hesitate about letting Eric meet Kyle. Kyle isn't friendly when it comes to meeting new people. But me and Eric aren't dating so I guess it isn't a big deal.

"Uhm..ok. Where are we going?"

"Ion know all dat yet but it'll be fun. Besides I'm baby sitting Harley so Kyle will have someone to talk to too"

"Alright coo. But I'm wrong you now. Kyle isn't friendly when it comes to meeting new people so don't take it personal"

"Oh please. Kids love me"

"Mmh. Aren't you at work?"

"Nah I'm off today cause Bryson got a concert tonight so I gonna go and support him. You wanna come?"

"I gotta ask my dad to babysit Kyle. But if he says yeah then I'll go"

"Ight coo. I'll call you when I'm on my way"


"Bye sexy"

"Bye Eric"

"Uh uh! Don't call me that."

"Well what do you want me to call you?"

"Daddy" He said in a duh tone

"Ha!" I laughed out loud.

"What?" He said in a serious tone

"I'm not calling you daddy Eric"

"Why not?"

"Because that's nasty plus you aren't my daddy"

"You so propa' "

"Bye boy" I laughed

"I'm just playin witcha. I'll call you later"

"Alright" I hung up the phone and parked in the parking lot of the prison. I turned around and Kyle was still sleep.

"Here we go" I sighed and took off my seat belt.


Bryson Tiller

Today was the day of my concert and I am excited af as always. Right now we are just setting up. The concert starts at 6:45 so we got a few more hours till it starts.

I was just sitting down next to swan, texting Dana. She said she just landed.

 She said she just landed

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