•Chapter 31•

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Shout out to GawdTillers_Wifey and lizze_Alsina for voting and commenting.

Bryson Pov

I had just pulled up to Cheddar and it was busyer then usual. I got us a table and waited for Laylah to come.

I'm having an all white party in 2 weeks. I really want you to come

I'll have to check my schedule but I'll see
- me

When I look up I saw Laylah walking in. I stood up and watched her as she walked towards me.

"Wassup gorgeous" I smiled and gave her a hug. And kissed her lips. She was shocked at first but she got into it. The kiss got deeper and i grabbed her butt. She pulled alway before the kiss got too serious. She looked different today. She looked..nervous.

"Hey Bry" she sat down infront of me and i did the same.

"What's the matter?" I frowned

"Someone left this on my car" she handed me a sticky note that read:

Be careful Lay. I'm watching yo ass👊
-Love yo favorite person

"Don't worry bout this. Imma handle it"

"How? You dont even know who did it"

"So. Imma still handle it. I know some people who can help. Is this the first note you got"

"Yeah. It was on my window" she sighed and rubbed her head. "I'm scared. I didn't do anything and now somebody is trying to kill my ass"

"Aye" I lifted her head up with my finger and looked in her eyes. "You are gonna be find. I promise nothing is going to happen to you. Imma handle this. You my baby ight?"


"Ight then. Now give me a kiss" she blushed and leaned over to kiss me a kiss. I gently grabbed the back of her neck and pulled her closer to me.

"Mmm" she moaned and she quickly pulled away. Her face was now cherry red. I smirked and shook my head.

"I got chu blushing" I laughed

"Shut up." She whined

"Hello my name is Vivica and i will be your waiter for this evening and what can I get for you guys to drink" a woman asked us as she grabbed her pen and note pad.

"I'll get a Kiwi lemonade" Laylah said

"And I'll get a coke"

"Alright I will be back shortly" she smiled one last time and walked away.

"So how was work"

"It was good for the most part. It's just them damn teachers that piss me off" she rolled her eyes

"What happened"

"Just usual. They were talking shit"

"You can't let them get to you"

"Its easier said than done Bry"

"If they piss you off so bad why are you still working there?"

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