•Chapter 21•

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Bryson Pov

"Bye Bry" Laylah said as she grabbed her things and walked out. I locked the door and turned to face Dana with my arms folded.

"What? Don't look at me like that" she sat on the sofa.

"Why is it that everytime I see you, you are about to fight" i walked over to her and sat down.

"Ion ask yo lil hood rats that you call friends"

"Come on Dana chill. You can't be talking bout them like that. They been here for me more than you have" I said. She looked at me with bug eyes.

"Oh really?"

"Yeah. You've changed since high school. All you do is argue and fight people. You had a attitude with Laylah and Kc for no reason last night and now this."

"Are you serious? First of all Laylah is the one who came at me first a few seconds ago and last night Kc was rolling her eyes at me the whole time" she lied. I knew Kc could be rude at time but I knew for a fact that Laylah wouldn't just come at someone for no reason.

"I really don't care who started what. What did you wanna come over here for because I have to go pick up my daughter" I sighed. She looked at me with glossy eyes and grabbed her purse and stood up.

"What's wrong" I asked as I followed her to the door. By now I was totally confused.

"You don't get it do you!?" She yelled with now many tears running down her face.

"Get what?"

"I love you Bryson and not just in a bestfriend way I mean I actually love you. Ever since high school till now. I tried to hide my feelings for you but I can't anymore. I'm sorry if I offended you but I just feel like you have new friends and that you wanna leave me out. And it hurt me to see that girl walk out of your house with clothes in her hands. I just assumed y'all had sex. And you just don't notice me" she cried. I wrapped my hands around her as she cried into my shoulder.

"Shh" I hushed her as her cries got lower "Dana look. I love you too but not in that way. I'm sorry but I don't like you in that way. I'm sorry I didn't tell you before but I didn't know you felt this way. I'm sure there are a whole bunch of men who would love to have a beautiful woman like you. Stop wasting your time on me and go find you somebody. And as for me and Laylah. There is nothing going on. We're just really good friends"

"So you don't have feelings for Laylah" she mumbled into my chest. I sighed and stared at the ceiling. It took me a while to process this question. So I didn't answer it at all. We both just stood there hugging until Dana pulled away, grabbed her stuff and walked out the door.



Kayla POV

Me and Eric laid there in my bed as we watched TV. Surprisingly the kids were still asleep so we had time to spare. I rubbed up and down his bare chest just staring at his tattoos.

"Beast boy got me dead" he laughed as he watched Teen Titans go. I swear he is so childish.

"Why you staring at my tattoos?" He asked. He put one arm behind his head and used the other one to rub in-between my thighs. Being as tho I only had on a red silk robe it was easy of him to do it.

"Oh no. My legs are sore from last night" I tried to push his hand away but he was too strong.

"Aww you want me to massage it?" He asked as he started touching my girl. I let out a light moan. He leaned up and got in-between my legs and gave me a sweet kiss.

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