•Chapter 20•

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Bryson Pov

I woke up to the smell of bacon and eggs. I yawned and stretched. I smiled as I thought about last night. I think I could honestly say I had a crush on Laylah. As much as I try to denie it i just can't help it. I walked in my bathroom and did my hygiene stuff. When I was done I picked up my phone off of my dresser to see many notifications from my social medias. One in particular comment on the video of me fighting caught my eye

@Laylahthefinest: all y'all talking bout how my best friend is wrong but y'all dumb asses don't even know the whole story! So stfu

I slightly smiled at her comment and liked it.

I looked at the time it said 10:32 then I put my phone down and walked downstairs into my kitchen. Laylah was standing at the stove with ear buds in her ear. I guessing she was listening to Yoga by Janelle Monae because she was singing it while rolling her hips.

I snuck up behind her and kissed her neck. She jumped and hit me with the hot spoon in my eye.

"Ah shit" I groaned.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry!" She put the spoon on the counter and walked over to me.

"Its coo" I groaned as I held my eye.

"Let me see it" she gently grabbed my hand and looked at my, now red, eye.

"I'm so sorry. You scared the shit outta me. Let me blow it"

"No it's ok. It doesn't hurt anymore" i lied

"Let me kiss it"

"No it's ok really" I chuckled at how much she was talking.

"..ok." she walked back over to the stove and stirred up the grits. Then she reached in the cabinets and grabbed two plates.

"Are you hungry" she asked. I just sat on the counter and starred at her. She was super pretty in the morning.


"Huh?" She snapped me out of my thoughts

"Are you hungry?" She asked again with a small laugh

"Oh yeah" she nodded her head and started making my plate. I caught myself staring at her again. She had on a oversized white shirt that came down to her knees. Her hair was in a messing bun at the top of her head. And some Adventure Time socks on that had Jake the dog on them. And her tattoos showed perfectly on her light smooth skin.

"Stop eye raping me Bryson" she gave me my plate and walked to the kitchen table.

"My bad" mumbled as I followed her. I sat down Infront of her and grabbed my fork. She immediately hit my hand.

"Say you're grace first" she scolled. I slowly nodded and put my fork down.

"God thank you for this food amen" i said quickly and started eating.

She just looked at me and rolled her eyes. Then she started eating.

"I didn't know you could cook" I said with a mouth full of grits.

"It's just breakfast it's real easy to cook." She giggled.

"So you can't cook?"

"Heck yeah. I can throw down in the kitchen"

"Good to know. Cause I may need you to come over more often and cook for me and Harley"

"Speaking of Harley. Where is she?"

"She spent the night with Eric. I'm going to pick her up after I get dressed and everything"

"Oh. I got a question?"

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