•Chapter 13•

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Ik this chapter is short but the next one is going to be longer. And exscuse any mistakes.

Kayla Pov

After Laylah left for her date with Bryson Kyle went straight upstairs to play video games. I swear that's all he does. I told Laylah not to buy GTA.

I walked into Laylah kitchen and I started to look through her cabinets to find something to eat.

"Really?" I mumbled as I took out an empty box of Cinnamon toast crunch cereal. I used to hate it when she did this.

I threw the box in the trash and I just made me a pack of beef noddles.

As I was putting the water in the pot when I heard my phone vibrate. I walked back into the living room and grabbed my phone to see a text from Eric.

Wyd. I aint seen you in forever

You seen me yesterday

It feels like forever

Aww. You're so sweet. I'm at Laylah house just chilling. Her and Bryson are on a date

A date? Since when did this happen?

I guess today.

Well wen u gone let me take you out on a date. Since you playing hard to get

I'm not playing hard to get. Its just hard to please me😁

Please. Your easy to please

Wat do you mean?

I can show you better than i can tell you babe🍆

You are just nasty😂💀 and wat makes you think I like you?

You keep trying me. Watch, soon you'll be calling me daddy👌

"he slow" I laughed as I went upstairs to check on Kyle.

"What you doing bub" I asked as I sat next to him.

"Playing a game" he said plainly without making eye contact.

"What are you suppose to do?" I asked. He sighed and paused his game and looked at me.

"Are you bored mommy?" He sighed again

"No why?"

"Cause you only bother me when you bored"

"Boy if you on getcho...shut up kyle" I mushed his face as I stood up. He laughed and unpaused his game.

I shook my head and walked back downstairs. After the water was boiled I put the Raman noodles in the pot. While they were cooking I grabbed everything i would need cuz you know I gotta put my trust to it. I grabbed the season salt, pepper, garlic powder, lemon pepper, parsley, butter, and the hot sauce.

After they were done I grabbed my bowl and walked back to the living room and that's when I heard someone knock on the door.

"Who is it?!" I yelled as I walked to the door. No one answered

"Who is it?!" I asked again. No one answered.

"Well I ain't answering" I mumbled after I walked back to the sofa. They knocked again.

"Bitch! Stop fucking knocking on the fucking door if you ain't gone say n-" I stopped when i seen who was at the door.

"Did you miss me?" He cheesed.

"You gotta go dude and I mean fast" I said

"Why? I just got here"

"Go home before I call Laylah!" I yelled

"Where is Laylah anyway?" He asked

"Minding her business."

"Well is she here"

"No. What do you want cause my noodles getting cold" I sighed as I leaned against the door frame.

"I wanted to talk to Lay since I haven't seen her I weeks"

"You mean years?"

"No. I seen her a few weeks ago but she cursed me out and pushed me into boxes"

"She should have, now bye" I slammed the door in his face.

"He got some nerve coming here" I said to myself. He knocked on the door a few more time but I just ignored him until he stopped. After he left I went upstairs to check on Kyle.

After that I took a small nap.


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Qotd: Did y'all see the rap game? Who yall going for?

I'm going for Deetranada or Nova

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