•Chapter 12•

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Laylah Pov

"No girl no. You can't wear that plain shit. Wear the blue jean shirt" Kayla grabbed my shirt off the bed.

"No my chest gone be out"

"That's the point. Duh" I rolled my eyes and snatched the shirt out her hand. Bryson said he was on his way in about 30 minutes. I've been trying to get dressed but Kayla keeps telling me what to wear.

"Fine only cuz he's on his way and I aint got time to argue wit chu" I sighed and start to put the shirt on.

"How do I look?"

"Girl you look sexy" she snapped her fingers. There was a small knock on my room door.

"Come in" Kayla yelled and Kyle walked in.

"Boy I swear you can't sleep for 1 hour" I laughed as I shook my head.

"You look pretty tete" he rubbed his eyes and laid on my bed.

"Thank you baby" I kissed his forhead then I heard someone knock on the front door.

"That must be him" Kayla squealed and ran down stairs. I shook my head and took a quick picture. Then I walked down stairs to see Kayla asking Bryson a bunch of questions.

"Who you is?" Kyle asked as he walked up to Bryson.

"I'm Bryson and you are?" Bryson asked as he squatted down to his size.

"I'm Kyle" he said proudly.

"And he was just going to bed so bye bye" she picked Kyle up and walked towards me.

"Have fun. Not too much fun or I'll have to kill ya" she pointed to Bryson and winkined at me.

I shook my head and grabbed my wallet.

"Oh you won't need it" he smiled and grabbed my hand.

"..uh ok" I lightly chuckled and we walked out the door.

"Bye tete baby!"

"Bye auntie" Kyle and Kayla waved bye to me as we walked to Bryson car door.

After he opened the door for me we both got in.

"Well don't you look nice" I said

"Well I try" he chuckled and pulled his imaginary collar. I giggled and shook my head.

"Oh lord you dome got cocky now"

"I'm just playing. You look cute yourself"

"Well thanks to my sister. I was gone wear some sweat pants but she made me put this on"

"Well I'm sure you would look cute in anything" he smiled and started the car.

"Thank you" I smiled. As I turned the radio on and Deja Vu by J Cole was on.

"Ooo i love this song" I said

"Yeah I like it too being as tho it is my background music" he shrugged

"Well I like this version better no offense"

"None taken. So what have you been up too"

"Oh nothing really. Since Christmas just passed I've been starting lesson plans and basically work."

"Well that sounds boring. That was you nephew back there?"

"Yeah he's something else"

"I bet he acts just like Harley" he chuckled

"No probably worse"


"So where are we going since I dressed up?"

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