•Chapter 32•

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Shout out to ElonnieThurman and toxicparadises for voting and commenting

2 weeks later

Bryson Pov

Tomorrow is Dana's all white party. I didn't wanna be late so i was going to D.C tonight. It was about 5 o'clock. I was going to stay in a hotel and Swan was coming too just in case something goes on plus he wanted to talk to girls.

I was just done packing my bag when Laylah walked in.

"When are you coming back?"

"In 2 days."

"Just promise me you won't do something stupid" she begged as she sat in front of me on my bed.

"I will never do anything stupid. You dont trust me?"

"Yeah it's her I don't trust. She real slick so dont let her come on to you"

"I'm not dumb babe."

"I know. Just listen to what I'm saying. I don't trust her. Especially if you are staying there for 2 days. She might try to seduce you or somthing"

"Dana isn't like that"

"Bryson" she sighed. It was so cute how she was worried about me. It showed that she actually cared. I couldn't help but stare at her. She was so beautiful. I was glad that she is finally mines.

"I promise I won't do anything stupid" I leaned forward and kissed her soft pink lips. She wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me closer to her. I dropped my bag on the floor and crawled on the bed with her. She climbed ontop of me without breaking the kiss. I gripped her butt as she grinded her hips on me.

She only had on my oversized t-shirt and a thong so my junior started to get excited.

"You have to get done packing Bry" she said as she caught her breath and started to get up. I know she wasn't about to leave when she done got me all hard and shit.

"I'll do it later" mumbled on her lips.

I flipped us over in one swift motion and tore the shirt off of her revealing her breast. She tried to cover her breast with her hands but I pulled her hands away. And stared down at her.

"You so fucking sexy" I bit my lip and then kissed her. She smiled and started to unbuckled my belt.

Yall know what happened after that.


That night

I woke up to my phone vibrating. I looked beside me to see Laylah asleep with my sheets wrapped around her naked body.

I looked at my iPhone to see 2 missed calls from Swan. I tried to get up but Laylah grip on me tightened.

"Bae" I shook her

"Mh" she groaned

"I gotta go. My plane leaves in a hour" she sighed and let me go. I grabbed my phone and called Swan.

"Damn a nigga thought you was dead" his crazy ass yelled.

"My bad I just woke up"

"Well come on then cuz the plane leaves in a hour."

"I know. I'm bout to leave now"

"Ight" I looked at the time and it was 7:30. I walked to the other side of the bed and grabbed my bag.

"Lay" i whispered

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