•Chapter 34•

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Shout out to teambreezy124, Toronto647, ShutUpImReading31, weheartfashion148, and _UnExpectedTruth_ for commenting and voting

(This is a long chapter btw and I didn't proof read the whole chapter so excuse any mistakes)

2 months later.

Laylah Pov

Lately I've been real jumpy. I've constantly been getting notes with threats on them. I told the police but there isn't much they can do. And Bryson is more pissed because this keeps happening. Him and Swan talked to a few people to try and find my uncle because that's who I think it is but there is no sign of him.

My dad is even trying to talk to my mom to try to find out something but she claims she doesn't know where he is. And i know she is lying.

But the good news is that misty is out of the hospital. She is doing much better and I'm so glad because i don't know what I would do if I lost my best friend. Me and Bryson are doing good also. He is dropping his album May 26th so that's next month.

I'm really proud of him. He still tries to buy me the most expensive shit but of course I declined. And me and Harley have grown really close. Matter of fact we are out for ice cream right now.

"What kind of ice cream do you want?" Bryson asked Harley.

"Triple chocolate fudge" she smiled. I made a disgusted face. I hate a lot of chocolate.

We watched the lady behind the counter fix up our ice cream then we sat down at the little table in the back. It was silence. All you heard was us smacking on our ice cream.

"This is so good" Harley mumbled with a mouth full of ice cream.

"I can tell it's all on your nose" I grabbed a napkin and wiped her nose off.

"Thank you. Where is Kyle?" Harley asked. Harley and Kyle have grown closer and i think it's so cute but Bryson thinks they are getting too close. I tried to explain to him that they aren't even 5 yet what can the possibly be doing?

"Kyle is at preschool. I'll take you to see him tomorrow" I said.

The whole time we talked Bryson was quiet. It was kinda weird because usually he has a whole lot to say.

After we left the ice cream shop we went towards the movie theatre. I wanted to go see "all eyes on me" the Tupac movie, but Harley insisted on seeing boss baby.

We all sat towards the middle of the aisle. I wanted to watch it in Imax because i knew I was going to fall asleep on this movie.

I turned my head to see Harley laughing up a storm. Bryson was just on his phone. I lightly tapped him on his hand. He looked at me with his eyebrows raised.

"Are you ok?" I gently squeezed his hand.

"Mmhm" he nodded his head and turned back towards the screen. I sighed because i knew he was lying. It has to be something bothering him. But I decided to just leave it alone until we got to his house. He has been acting like this for a while now and I'm becoming to think he is hiding something from me. I feel like something happened at that party but I don't want to be that type of girlfriend that ask him a million questions.

A few minutes later i had to use the restroom so i made my way towards the bathroom.

Bryson Pov

I watched as Laylah walked out of the theater to go to the bathroom. I looked at Harley and she was knocked out. I chuckled and rubbed my chin. I was in deep thought. I knew I had to tell Laylah about what happened at the party but it's not easy telling your girlfriend that you had sex with someone else's even tho I had no control over it.

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