•Chapter 35•

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Frank and Dana in the media

This is long so I didn't proof read the whole chapter.

Shout out to FWBABYVANNA, hoeflict, and troublesome15 for voting and commenting.

Laylah Pov

I groaned as I felt the bed move. I looked beside me to see Bryson typing on his phone.

"Good morning" he smiled. I smiled back and looked at him. He was fully dressed with his Nike hat on with his favorite pair of glasses.

"Good morning. How long you been up?" I yawned but quickly covered my mouth. I didn't want him to smell my morning breath.

"A few hours. I had to drop Harley off at Britney house so she could go to church"

"What time is it?" I said with my mouth still covered.

"I've smelled you're morning breath before stop acting all new" he chuckled "It's 10:15" I groaned. I got up out of bed and started to walk to the bathroom until Bryson grabbed my wrist and pulled me onto his lap.

"Let me go I gotta go brush my teeth" I tried to get up but he tightened his grip.

"Bryson" I groaned. He chuckled and pecked my lips.

"I just wanted a kiss. Now go brush yo teeth. It smell like shit" he pushed me off him. I smacked my teeth and rolled my eyes.

I walked into the bathroom and grabbed the toothbrush I always use when I come over here and started to brush my teeth. After I was done I walked into his room and got some of my clothes I had left in his drawer.

I took a shower I put on my clothes. By the time I was done it was 10:45. I sent Frank a text and walked downstairs. Bryson was sitting on the sofa watching gospel music videos.

"I gotta go in a few minutes" I sat beside him and he pulled me closer.

"Where you going?" He looked down at me.

"I'm going to get coffee with Frank"

"Oh..you don't have to go"

"I know but I can't just cancel on him like that"

"Yes you can. He'll be ight. If he gotta problem with it tell me" I sat up and looked at him serously.

"No. I didn't say that when you was about to go to DC"

"But still. You know I don't trust that nigga" I scoffed and rolled my eyes.

"And you knew I didn't like Dana but you still went didn't you?" I crossed my arms and stared at him.

"Bruh that's old. Plus you didn't say 'Bryson I don't want you to go'. You just said don't do anything crazy. If you didn't want me to go then why did you say it was ok?"

"Ugh! Because I didn't want to tell you what to do. Use you're common sense. What girl wants their boyfriend to go out of town to see another girl?" He smacked his lips.

"You going off topic. Are you going or not?"

"Yes I am. Why you tripping?" i glanced at the clock on his wall. It was now 10:50. The coffee shop was around the corner so I still had a few minutes left.

"I'm not tripping I'm looking out for you" I got up and walked into the kitchen to get my car keys out of the drawer. And Bryson followed me.

"You don't have to. He is not crazy. We are just going to get coffee then I'm going home. It's not that serious"

"If it's not that serious, don't go. I don't feel right about this." He sat ontop of the counter and pulled me between his legs. I sighed and looked at the clock again then I looked back at him. I didn't wanna cancel plans with Frank and I don't want to leave Bryson but he tripping right now.

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