•Chapter 10•

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Bryson Pov

I stared at her eyes as I leaned in to kiss her. She started to shake a little and her breathing started to get fast.

Our lips were cenemeters apart from each other. She closed her eyes and our lips connected. It started as a simple kiss until she gently wrapped her arms around my neck and I pulled her into my body more.

Which was a simple little kiss turned into our tongues twirling in each other mouth's.

I started to pull away slowly before I pecked her lips on more time.


"Boy please conversating  is not a word" I heard Kayla say before she opened the door.

Laylah quickly turned back around facing the TV in the corner.

"And what was y'all doing?" Eric asked

"Minding our business maybe you should do the same" I said

"Well damn" he held his hands up in surrender and sat in the rolling chair across from Laylah.

"Whats wrong with you girl" Kayla asked

"Huh?..oh nothing." Laylah shrugged and did a small smile

"So tomorrow we having a Christmas party. Y'all wanna come?" Eric asked

When da hell did we plan a Christmas party?

"Yeah I'm down" Kayla said

"Nah. I gotta work" Laylah said

"Yeah from 8am to 4pm. I'm pretty sure the party isn't at that time"

"The party is gonna start at 9pm" Eric said

"Nah I gotta see my dad"

"Stop making exscuses now. Come on Lay. It will be fun"

"... ight I'll think about it" she sighed and grabbed her phone.

A few minutes later KC and Geff came back with our food. After everyone was done eating. We talked for a bit and I came up with some new lyrics so I sung some more. The whole time I felt like Lay was avoiding me. Everytime i would try to talk to her she would just act like she didn't hear me or start a new conversation with someone else. It was starting to really piss me off.

"Alright I'll see y'all tomorrow night" Kayla stood up and gave Eric a hug. Laylah did the same.

"Alright bye y'all" Kc said and Geff said bye. They walked out and Eric looked at me for a second.

"Nigga what happened?" He asked me with his lips twisted and his head cocked to the side.

"Nothing nigga damn" I huffed

"So why was Laylah ignoring you the whole time" he folded his arms.

"Shit ion know and ion care" I shrugged

"Nigga stop lying"

"So how long have you know them" KC asked us

"Yeah cuz y'all need ta hook a nigga up" Geff said

"Nigga don't you got a girlfriend?" I asked

"That's not the point. Ask them if they got some friends or something"

"You are a total jerk you know that?" She asked Geff

"I'm not a jerk. I just have needs"

"Well anyway. Nah we ain't hooking you up" Eric said

"I still ain't get no answer" Kc said

"I met Laylah at my concert and he met Kayla at Walmart" I said

"Do y'all a couple or something?"

"No but I'm tryna be" Eric said

"Nah I ain't tryna be in a relationship right now. I got too much going on. I mean she attractive and all and ain't nothing wrong with a friend bit other than that nah I ight" I half lied. If that's even a thing.

"Well they coo. So don't fuck it up..Bryson!"

"What you calling my name for?"

"Cuz the last girlfriend you had you broke her heart. And you knew she was the plug. I had to go without my weed for a month until she stopped being mad at yo ass!"

"Right!" Geff and Eric agreed

"Bruh whatever. Let's get back to this song" I sighed


Laylah Pov

"So then that's when we went outside to his car. So we were talking and whatever. So all of a sudden he ask me on a date. So you know me being me I was like shit yeah. So he was like ight I'll come pick you up next weekend. So I was like yeah so then he was like ight coo so then I was like coo but it better not be no cheap ass date. so then he was nah I ain't cheap so then I was like-"

"Hol up..freeze. What is the point of you telling me this story" I asked

"Cause I need ta tell someone. But since you cut me off. Ion even wanna say it no mo"


"Hater" she mumbled

"Girl i ain't no hater"

"Uh huh. But anyway what you wearing to the Christmas party"

"Nothing cause I ain't going"

"Why not?"

"Cause I got work chy"

"Well come after work"

"I gotta go to dad house"

"He'll be ight" she shrugged
"You just making up exscuses now. What happened?"

"Nothing happened stop asking me that, damn" I rolled my eyes

"You ain't gotta get no attitude. You might wanna chill out" she rolled her neck as she talked.

"Or what. Don't fucking try me lil girl"

"Bitch we the same age"

"Bitch don't call me no fucking bitch witcho dumb ass"

"Shut cho biggity body built head ass up. Looking like daddy big toe"

"We twins so you clearly the dumb ass. Don't start nothing you can't finish so I suggest you shut up before you catch these paws" she stopped at the stop sign and looked me in the eyes.

"I dare you to put cho hands on me. I double dare you... exactly so chill wit all dat." I rolled my eyes and grabbed my phone and I got on Snapchat.

The rest of the ride was quiet expect for the radio lowly playing. Me and my sister argue alot but we get over it by the next day so I ain't worrying about it.

After she picked up Kyle she dropped me off and I took me a shower. Then I put on my pajamas and I went to bed.


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Sorry I didn't update on Thursday. I've been sick. My mom thinks it's phenomena and I hope it's not. This chapter is a little boring because I hurried up and typed this so there may be a few mistakes

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