•Chapter 15•

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Sorry but I didn't feel like proof reading so exscuse any mistakes.

Kayla Pov

Right now it is 1:30 and I had just left from my interview with a bank. I'm really determined to get me a new job because I hate staying at home all day. I was walking out of the bank looking for my keys in my purse when I heard somebody call my name. I turned around to see a man.

"Uh yes?" I asked. He jogged up to me.

"Hey how you been?"

"Um..I'm good, who are you?" I asked as I put my hand on my hips. He lightly chuckled.

"I'm Frank. Remember I did your tattoo"

"Oooh. Ok I remember. How you doing?"

"I'm good. I was actually wondering if Laylah is alright?" I frowned

"Yeah why wouldn't she be alright?"

"Oh I was just asking because she hasn't been answering my calls or my texts so I was begging to get worried"

"Oh she fine. She has been doing alot of work lately so she was kinda stressed. But I'll tell her you asked about her" I fake smiled

"Thanks. Tell her I said call me"

"Will do" I nodded my head and unlocked my car door. When I was settled I drove off.

I bobbed my head to Water by Ugly God as I drove down the highway when my phone started ringing. I put it on speaker phone and placed it in my lap.

"Heller" I said in Madea voice

"Hey sexy. What you doing" I smiled and shook my head.

"I'm leaving from the bank. How bout you?"

"I'm chilling at the office. I get on my lunch break in about 15 minutes. You wanna come through?"

"How long is your lunch break?"

"45 minutes"

"Yeah I'll come send me the address"

"Ok." We hung up the phone and I continued to drive.


Laylah Pov

"Good afternoon class. How was y'all winter break?" I asked as I stood up from my desk. A few people told me how their break went while others just looked around the class.

"Well I'm glad y'all had a good time. So you all know that your projects are due tomorrow but I changed the due date since I knew you all wouldn't have it done by then so its due next Friday. So right now imma give y'all some time to finish" I said. The class groaned as they started getting onto their groups. I shook my head as I walked back to my desk.

I started making the PowerPoint for next week until I got a text from Bryson.

Ik u at work but do you got time to come to the studio wen u get off
-Pen Griffey🎤

Ion know I got to make up these tests so I may have to stay after school, wats up

I was about to click on Microsoft Word until I saw Dantasia walk onto the class with a few bruises on her face and a hood over her head. The class turned around and looked at her. She put her head down and went to sit with her group. The only person that didn't look at her was Daniel. He kept his head in his book the whole time.

"Uhm. Dantasia can you step outside for a sec?" I put my phone in my top drawer and we both walked outside of the class.

"What happened to you" I asked in a worried voice

"Nothing, I-I had fell" she stuttered her words.

"You fell on your face?"

"Yeah cuz I-I was riding my bike and I fell o-off" I knew she was lying because of how her body tensed up when she talked about it.

"Nasia you are a very smart girl, I know this, you know this. So please be smart about this situation and tell me. I can help you"

"No you can't because there is nothing to help me with ight. I'm fine"

"Is it Daniel?" Her eyes shot open as her body began to shake.

"Why would it be Daniel?"

"Oh come on. Everybody knows y'all are a couple. Teachers gossip too. But I could see the way you tensed up when you saw him" I put my hand on my hip and looked her in the eyes. A single tear fell down her face them she completely broke down crying. I'm a very sensitive person so gave her a hug as she cried on my shoulder. Hearing her cry made me wanna cry.

I've know Dantasia for a long time so I think of her as my sister. So when she hurts I hurt.

"Stop crying Nasia. It's gonna be alright. You gotta tell me what happened"

"C-can I come t-to your class a-at the end of the day?" She sniffed

"Yeah of course. I'm always here. Now go clean yourself up. You don't wanna let them see you cry" I smiled. She smiled and gave me one last hug then she walked down the hallway to the bathroom.

"Jesus" I sighed and walked back into the class.

A few student were looking at me but I just took my phone out of the drawer and saw a text from Bryson.

Nothing I just want you to hear a song a wrote
-Pen Griffey🎤

Ok I'll come.

-Pen Griffey🎤

I put my phone back Olin my drawer and Dantasia walked back into the class. I looked at Daniel a few times and noticed he was trying to talk to her a few times but she wasn't having it.

I usually don't get in my students personal life but when it comes to a situation like this I have no other choice. Imma have to talk to them both eventually. The rest of the class period was ok.


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Qotd: Who is y'all favorite female singer?

Mine is Rihanna

Frank in the mm

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