Chapter Two

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        As soon as the hut came into his view, he made an abrupt pause.An exact replica of Fateema, their only difference apart from the obvious (being a man) is the sideburns that adorned his devilishly handsome face and the slight difference in height.He was dressed in a white polo shirt and coffee brown khaki pants.In his hands, he was holding a fedora cap and a cup of milkshake with the earpieces of his phone plugged on.
Upon seeing the occupants, he made a face and turned back to head to the boys-quarters.He had an exciting but exhausting day playing polo with his friends and was so looking forward to relaxing on the chaise lounge while devouring his milkshake only to find out that he has been beaten to it.

Iya kept chanting "Sannu da zuwa, Alhaji babba" (welcome, big boss) but he couldn't hear her.
Iman abruptly got up and ran after him shouting at the top of her voice so he could hear her over the music blasting in his ears."Ya Mudi! Ya Mudi!! Ya Mudi wait up!".He abruptly came to a halt, rolled his eyes before hesitantly turning to face her.He just knew she would never let him be!Iman will always be Iman.
"Alright, remind the neighbours that today is Sunday and the wildcat is home!.Seriously, must you shout like that? Do I seem deaf to you?"he concluded scowling.

Unoffended, Iman just flashed her teeth at him,"Yeah, yeah Ya Moody Mudi show us one of your famous moods."
  Leaning on her tippy toes, she kept reaching out to unplug his earbuds but he was too tall for her.As she opened her mouth to reprimand him, he beat her to it,"Yeah, yeah I know."Ya Mudi earbuds are not good for your eardrums or else you'll become like Malam Ilu". "

Squinting her eyes, she retorted, "I don't talk like that! Anyway, keep on damaging your eardrums when the long-awaited D-day comes and she finally says the magic words and you fail to hear, who is at loss?"
Just like magic, the scowl on his face immediately transformed into an expression that is rarely seen on him--a grin.
Happy to see the desired effect, she said

" So glad to see you in a good mood! Have I ever told you I just adore your, multipolar character, Alhaji ranka ya dade maigidan Mama, dan-lelen Daddy, dan-gaban goshin Mummy kuma sarkin yakin Nafeesah!"
The grin on his face expanded and he gave her one of his famous cynical looks, raised up the milkshake cup and said,"This is plain vanilla, not even one chocolate chip was added so save the sweet talk till another time."

Iman just brushed his comment aside in non-chalance, saying, "To hell with your milkshake, chocolate or no chocolate!.That is not what I want from you.I have more em..pressing issues here".
Scooting closer, she placed her palms flat on his chest looking up into his eyes giving him the puppy look that has always worked marvellously.

"Ya Mudi, why don't you do us all a favour this lovely evening and let that cat out of the bag? I am so sick and tired of Iya and Adda Walida's psychotic jokes and I want you to put an end to it.Do this for me,for her and for yourself.For us."

As she said this, she pulled him by hand towards the hut so the occupants can be within earshot when Mahmud speaks.
"Okay, so you want me to tell everyone the one special person that holds the key to my heart, my one and only beloved angel?."

That prompted her to jump up and down in excitement chanting "Yes, yes, yes!!!There's nothing I want more than that right now.Tell them, tell them so I can have my last laugh!".
The smirk on his face alerted Iman that he was up to no good but she never imagined how not good  until the words came pouring out of his mouth.

"Who else could that be if not my exquisite precious gem?."
And to make matters worst, he concluded with a wink and a pinch at her dimple spot.
Iya and Walida burst out laughing, the latter clapping her hands in exhilaration. Safiyyah became completely lost while Fateema, well Fateema was just being herself.Iman on the other hand, attacked her brother with a blow but he dodged and scampered towards the direction of the mainhouse.
With pouted lips and frustration written all over her face, Iman stomped into the hut muttering the many forms of torture  Ya Mudi will suffer once she gets her hands on him.She glared at the laughing women saying,
"My problem with you guys is that you are never for once serious.Every slight thing you turn it into a joke, haba! .
And that Ya Mudi, hmm! I'll get back at him ai ya sanni kaman yunwan cikinshi."(he knows me the way he knows his hunger).
  For once forgetting all about etiquette, Walida laughed wholeheartedly clutching her stomach. "Iya, gaskiya you should stop bothering yourself watching Zeeworld's Indian series cos you have  live shows of the same romantic comedy free of charge right in front of you! You know what is the most romantic part? Just before pinching her dimple do you know what he said? You heard him say 'exquisite precious gem', right? Well, those words are meaning to just one single name.Oh yes, he looked into her eyes, said his beloved angel is Nafeesah, pinched her cute dimple and winked for emphasis! How romantic!"
Dramatically clutching her heart, she continued "Oh my God,
the feels.......ooh! OMG, finally! Finally the end of so-called brother-sister relationship has come!"

Iya held her nose with her fingers and yodelled "ayyiririiii!!!."
At long last Safiyyah found her voice, asked,"N-square, Adda Walida please tell me what is going on? Which brother and sister? And what was that about Ya Mahmud's scene with Iman?"

       "Abeg Sophie just ignore Adda Walida and co.They are just a bunch of psychos".
"Yeah, agreed we are psychos.What about you? What do you call yourself, Yaya's sister? Keep calling him your brother, your brother until you give birth to his children. What then will you call them? Your nieces and nephews?"
At this, even Fateema who was hitherto uninvolved in their banter had to stifle back a smile whereas all the rest including the clueless Safiyyah burst out laughing.

Highly frustrated, Iman glared at Walida and opened her mouth for a comeback but then thought better of it.Whatsoever she says or do will never change their mind cos of his stupid joke, so it's better she tackles the bull by the horn.Oh yes, it's best she deals with the architect of her being made a laughing stock.         

Abruptly, she got up and marched into the house like a soldier on a mission. Despite the distance from the garden to the mainhouse, they could all vividly hear her shouting, "Ya Mudi! Ya Mudi come out here this minute! Show your face you traitor!Was that our deal?".
Exchanging looks, they all burst out laughing again as Iya said,"Yau Alhaji babba ya debo ruwan dafa kanshi!".(today big boss has caused havoc upon himself!).

Assalamu alaikum guys.
That's Mahmud in d picture.
How do you see him?
Well, lemme comot before Iman gets here and vent her anger on poor me!
So, ma'assalam, au revoir, sai anjima, bye for now!

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