Chapter Forty-seven

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Habeeb had been communicating with Mahmud since he's not allowed to talk with Fateema throughout her iddah period.So the day she completed the iddah coincided with the day he arrived Nigeria.

He couldn't wait any longer. He was extremely eager and on tenterhooks to see his habibty.

This time around it's Walida who played hostess to Habeeb as his 'sister' Iman was in school. She served him her signature delicious cooking with homemade fruit juice but being hyper-excited and giddy,he couldn't even eat anything.

However, all his hopes and excitement burnt to ashes when he called Fateema for the first time in months to inform her of his presence in Mahmud's house only to be asked to take heart for a bit longer by her.

Fateema just felt she doesn't have the courage to face Habeeb again without being able to hug him,to feel his warmth which would reassure her that he's truly hers to have and to hold.

Her parents' reunion had touched a very sensitive part of her and she felt that was the only type of reunion she wanted with Habeeb.So for the meantime, both of them should take heart and wait till they're married.... till they become each other's halal!

Though he didn't like the idea of waiting some more after the torturous three months that passed,Habeeb had no choice but to succumb to her wish.

But he didn't waste time in travelling to Makurdi where he rushed his grandparents into organising a committee for marriage seeking.

Daddy had already conducted all the necessary researches on Habeeb during Fateema's iddah so when his representatives came seeking for her hand in marriage,he willingly accepted.

Likewise when they stated Habeeb's ardent wish that the wedding should be fixed in just two weeks' time,he laughingly agreed cos he had already consulted Fateema who was in agreement as well.

Without further ado,wedding preparations began immediately. Knowing he'd require much time off-duty after his wedding,Habeeb returned back to work but was always on phone with his Zahra;the light of his life.


Walida prepared Ahmad for bed,strapped him on her back and lulled him to sleep before carefully laying him down on his crib and then proceeding to prepare herself too.As soon as she was through, she climbed atop her comfy bed,watching her husband as he performed his own night routine.

She squinted her eyes to see the brand of the now familiar bedtime goody he opted for tonight.She realised it was Maltesers.Two days ago it was Mars,before that it was Bounty but that was after trying Galaxy numerous times.Who knows what brand it would be next time?But there wouldn't be a next time. She couldn't handle it any longer!

She waited until he smilingly got into bed, snuggling as close as ever as he opened the chocolate pack and attempted to feed her with two balls.She aggressively pushed at his hand and bursted into tears as she lamented.

"I can't take this anymore!I can't !I'm just one person,Baby....just myself, me;Walida.You can't ever find someone else in me.If you want your other wife,go and get her.She's your wife;your halal.Nobody will question you.But please stop trying to find her within me cos she doesn't live in my body!"

Mahmud frowned his face and opened his mouth to protest but Walida beat him to it.

"No Baby don't even try to deny it cos I'd never believe you.I see the way you look at her every time you think no one's watching. Not just your stolen glances,your entire demeanor towards her changed since....since that night you accidentally kissed her. Or don't you know I have eyes to see? Not only that,now she's away at school instead of you to quench your thirst when you go to her during weekends you're here trying to do so with me,pretending it is her.

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