Chapter Fifty

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As time went on,Mahmud changed from being unfazed over Iman's reaction to fazed.He later became not just fazed but worried.The worry turned into remorse which later metamorphosed into anger and... the 'j' word which turned him literally green.

This is all due to Iman's behaviour over the incident that occurred between them.

On that fateful day,she had turned to pulling stunts and dramatics when her curses and abuses failed to enact the desired effect on him.

When he lovingly served her her dream morning-after breakfast in bed of 'yan-shila which he bought and prepared by himself along with different other mouthwatering dishes and fresh milk,Iman had pushed everything off,scattering them all over and rendering all his hard work useless.

Ever the gentleman,Mahmud just shook his head and proceeded to tidy up the place before making a second batch of cooking as he was determined in fulfilling Iman's wish.

This time around,when she got up aggressively to repeat her earlier action,he quickly pulled her into his arms and tamed the wild cat in her in the only possible way....

Their night together had shown him an entirely new side of his Cute Dimples.Now he has learnt a very effective method of shutting her talkative mouth completely....

He's now a pro in channelling all that energy she exerts while chattering into something more exciting,pleasurable, fulfilling....

Thereafter, as she opened her mouth to curse him,he quickly shut it with a cup of fresh milk.The dramatic girl didn't resist as she gulped down the refreshing drink.After the drink,he fed her the pepper soup with his hands which she readily accepted just because she could utilise the opportunity to bite him as much as she wants.

Mahmud,gentlemanly as he is let her please herself as long as his aim is achieved.Although he made sure he received his reward from her talkative mouth which funny enough happens to suddenly pause on the chain of curses whenever he chose to lay claim on the reward....

Even funnier is the fact that she doesn't just passively let him kiss her.Oh no,she actively kissed him back.Her prowess always matched with his; she always gave back as much as she received.It's only when they need to break apart for air that she suddenly remembers she's supposed to be mad at him and hence,resume her charade of accusations.


The real drama which caused Mahmud's worry was in the afternoon when he went to the supermarket to buy some groceries as he wasn't planning on going out again all through his stay with her i.e until Monday.

Upon his return, he met with a locked apartment and when the neighbour Maman Rabi'u heard his knocking from her house, she came out and gave him the keys to the apartment, saying Iman had moved back to the school hostel.

Mahmud was so shocked that he was rendered speechless and motionless for a long time as he remained rooted on the spot.After he finally composed himself ,he didn't waste any more time in driving straight to campus but all efforts to see her proved futile as she rejected all his calls.Even when he sent in numerous messengers to call her by giving them her name,she still failed to show up.

Mahmud spent the whole day that day not eating,not doing anything but going to pray,sipping water on few occasions and bombarding Iman's phone with unattended calls and messages.

That was what first got him worried.His Cute Dimples never hold grudges against anybody, especially him. She always, always vent out her anger and let go of everything. He had thought her tantrums earlier on in the day were her method of 'venting out'. He also thought they were enough to wipe out his 'sins' and then they'd move on with their lives smoothly but now this.....

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