Chapter Thirty-nine

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This one is for you Dr Xiey.Shey you asked for it?😃

Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University went on semester break and so Nafeesah Naseer packed her stuff as her husband went to Bauchi to convey her back home to Zaria.

Upon her return, she took over the care of baby Ahmad from the hands of Inna Ladi,a middle-aged relative of Abba.Since Walida's return from the hospital after spending two whole weeks,she didn't go to her parents' house for the normal zaman jego that a woman usually goes for after her first birth cos Umma is a working-class lady.

When offered to stay with Ummi and Mama in their house,she adamantly refused, preferring to remain in her husband's house.

That was why Inna Ladi was summoned from Gombe to take care of her and the baby.Every morning and evening,Ummi comes to help Walida bathe in the old traditional way though with towel instead of leaves (wankan jego).

At first Walida was shy and hesitant but Ummi would have none of it.She scolded Walida,saying she's her aunt and not her mother-inlaw and so she should stop treating her as one.Walida just gave in cos she had no choice but deep down, she was still shy Mahmud's mother is the one bathing her.


On one Sunday afternoon, Iman was in her room feeding Baby Ahmad with his formula when Mahmud said the 'salaam' and got in when she answered.

Seeing the sour expression on his face,she didn't bother talking to him as she finished feeding the baby and then put him against her bosom,rubbing his back so he could burp.

As soon as he did, Mahmud who was hitherto just standing and watching them like a statue,moved forward and took off his baby from her. He didn't say a word as he adjusted the flannel around the baby and walked out,shutting the door behind him.

Rolling her eyes,Iman got up and opened the door,leaving it ajar. She wasn't about to make herself a prisoner in her own room.Haka kurum! (just like that!). Or did she tell him she wants to turn on the A.C or more likely, listen in on his conversations with his guests?Yeah,that must be his reason for closing the door cos she heard faint voices from the now open door.

Ignoring them,she slouched down on her bed,opened her laptop and turned on her fave Indian series 'Jodha-Akbar' and was about to start delving into their world when she remembered she hasn't gotten it's accompaniment. There's no way she could enjoy watching the series without occasionally delving into a bar or more of her favourite Galaxy chocolate.

Wrapping the small veil of her jilbab around her face,she got out of her room to go get it from the fridge in the kitchen. However all thoughts of chocolate--her fave Galaxy or whichever brand vamoosed into thin air when she got to the parlour which she has to cross on her way to her kitchen.

With eyes as wide as saucers,she exclaimed "Ayman?!!What are you doing here?When did you return to Nigeria?"

His eyes almost as surprised as hers,he returned, "I should be asking you that.I thought you're supposed to be in Karau-karau with Mama?"he concluded,looking accusingly at Mahmud.

"Why are you looking at me like that?You think you're important enough for me to lie to you?.Cute Dimples,didn't you go with Mama to Karau-karau this morning?"

"Yeah this morning. It's afternoon now in case you haven't noticed. Anyway, it's sooo good to see you Dr. Prince Ayman!So saukan yaushe? (when did u arrive).We spoke when last...ehn.....yesterday in the morning? Yes,yesterday but you didn't tell me you were coming!"

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