Chapter Forty

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Mahmud has been in a very foul mood for the past three days and Walida who had completed her forty days' jego was quite worried but even she as his beloved wife couldn't get to the root of his problem talkless of solving it for him as he had retreated into his shell.

The only person who dares penetrate the shell each time he withdraws into it is Iman but this time around,Walida realised even she herself made no attempt to do so.Instead,she appeared to also be angry with him which puzzled Walida a lot as she knew Iman as someone who never keeps grudges....if you offend her,she'll blast you on the spot and forget about it immediately. So what was bugging the bro and sis?.Only God knows!

But on the third day,baby Ahmad's  diapers and infant formula got almost finished so Walida informed Mahmud.He asked her to get ready so they could go to the supermarket together as he doesn't go shopping alone but she asked him to go with Iman instead as she's having leg cramps.

Iman who was within earshot pouted her mouth and said,"I'm not going anywhere, Adda Walida.Certainly not with that overprotective big bro that doesn't know his limits."

On hearing that,Walida limped her aching leg to Iman's fridge and locked it with key which she jingled at Iman,saying "That means no Galaxy for the next three days."

"You wouldn't dare"

"Try me and see."

Grudgingly, Iman picked up her phone and went to slip on a long hijab which she was now used to,before going after the silent Mahmud but not before saying to Walida "You'll pay for this."

On their way coming back after shopping, Iman's phone rang and as usual she answered it on speaker.

Iman: Hi,Sweety pie.Just thinking of the angel of my life.

Ayman: And the angel suddenly called.I was just thinking of you too.You know our hearts and minds are in synchrony with one another so our thoughts must be the same.

Iman: Yeah,I know darling.Chai,I miss you sooo much!Is it just three days ago I saw you last?It feels like three decades!.

Ayman: Wow! Today is really my lucky day.I never heard you being so lovey-dovey towards me before.That's why I said our hearts are in synchrony.You know it's night time here at Austria and I've been tossing in bed for hours,hoping for sleep to overcome me but to no avail.I'm in a turmoil,my princess. Only you could make me feel better.So can I ask a lil favour since you're feeling so loving today?.

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