Chapter Forty-nine

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Time flew by and like a joke,it was Iman's final semester at the university. By this time, she was twenty and a half years old--at the prime of her youth.

She was still as slim as ever and as naughty,witty and carefree as ever although people who understood her very well know that deep down lies a very mature,clever young lady.

One Thursday morning, she woke up with a high fever such that she couldn't even go for lectures.Safiyyah's lectures for the week ended on Wednesday so she'd already gone to her husband's house in Abuja for the weekend, leaving Iman home alone.

Mahmud had been trying Iman's line since subhi prayer time as he usually does to no avail as she had left it on silent mode. It was not until her neighbour Maman Rabi'u came to help her clean the house and prepare breakfast that she saw the numerous missed calls and passed the phone to the owner just as another call was coming in.

As soon as he heard her voice,Mahmud diverted his route from that of the office to that of Bauchi.He knew the flight to Bauchi would be much later in the evening and he just couldn't wait that long.

He was already on his way when he called his boss whom they were in very good terms with and explained the situation, asking for a two-day break (Thursday and Friday) to which he readily agreed.Thereafter,he called Walida,explained to her as well, not bothering about packing a weekend-bag as he could always buy the necessities over there.

Maman Rabi'u was just about to leave so she could go prepare lunch for her family when she heard the doorbell. Upon opening, she met a frantic Mahmud whom they exchanged quick greetings with as he was too anxious to see his wife.

Shaking her head with a knowing smile as she watched him rushing to the bedroom,Maman Rabi'u carried her baby and left the house.

He met Iman curled up in a blanket but fully awake.Her mouth agape in shock, she queried "What are you doing here today?.It's Thursday!"

He didn't bother answering as he hurriedly rushed to her side and touched her neck with the back of his hand.

"Ya Salam!You're burning!Can you get up or should I carry you?.We need to rush to the hospital right now."

Rolling her eyes,Iman replied,"Chi-lax men.It's just a fever,nothing to panic about.Besides I'm much better. Thank God you didn't see me around subhi to early morning. I don't know how you'd behave if you're this worked-up seeing me now.Now all I need is some food.I'm just sooo hunnnggry I could swallow an elephant."

"No problemo,my Cutie.What would you like to eat?.I'll go get it in a jiffy."

Wearing her puppy expression and pouting her mouth, she whined "I don't want any restaurant food.Me wants real,tasty homemade food. Anything with plantain in it."

"Your wish is my command,milady"he bowed before hurrying towards the kitchen.

Before long,the appetizing aroma of home cooking wafted through the air up to Iman's bedroom,igniting her senses.

Pushing off the cosy blanket,she followed the track of the aroma which led her to the kitchen where she met Mahmud fully concentrated on adding spices to his cooking.

"Uhmmm.....very enticing...."

Turning around at the sound of her mesmerizing voice, Mahmud gulped and swallowed hard.

Yeah,enticing but not even close to an inkling as you....

Iman was as disheveled and unkempt as anyone straight out of bed is.... unplaited hair all over the place; some covering her left eye,some flying up while some down over her shoulder.Not only that,her eyes were swollen from sleep and fever but in Mahmud's eyes,he had never,ever seen a more alluring and enticing picture before in his life.

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