Chapter Forty-six

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On Friday, a week to Fateema's completion of Iddah,Mahmud and his family spent the whole day at their family house.Walida announced that she was feeling hyper fashionista-like and so she has to work on each and every female of the house,including her Umma who came since morning as well.

Even the old iron lady allowed herself to be decked in a brand new Exclusive superwax buba and wrapper,full gold jewellery set and even the faintest shade of make-up.

Seeing that,all the other ladies willingly submitted themselves to the fashionista of the house,except of course Ummi.Since it was a joint plan,all the other ladies joined Walida in trying to persuade Ummi but she was just adamant as she hated make-up, claiming she had no need for it.

It was the iron lady in the end that saved the day as she frowned her face and ordered Walida to proceed working on Ummi.She herself as old as she is has accepted so why shouldn't Ummi?.

Walida happily put in her best to bring out the pure beauty in Ummi,having Fateema and Iman as her assistants.Since all the women were in it together, the plan worked even more perfectly than they expected.

Mummy and Umma lured Ummi into letting assistant 2 (Iman) perform the facial treatment she learnt during her wedding preparation while at the same time assistant 1(Fateema) applied henna on the fingers and toes.

Within two hours,the women's fingers and toes were already maroon as Fateema mixed in some special treatments in the henna.

Walida waited until they all prayed zuhr,then brought out all the beautiful dresses she designed for each of them, with Ummi's own being the most beautiful. After dressing,she took turns in making up each of their faces,ensuring she did her best on the woman of the moment though it wasn't too heavy... just the right touch for a woman of Ummi's age.

When she was finally through with them,all the ladies couldn't help but admire each other. As Walida quickly prepared herself, the men of the house returned from jumu'at prayer and so Fateema and Iman went to serve them food.

As soon as they were through with eating, Daddy called Iman via phone to clear the dishes before summoning all the women.All the ladies entered Daddy's sitting room with barely contained excitement, with the exception of one.... the most well dressed among them; the shining star of the moment.

Daddy waited until they all took seats,exchanged pleasantries before broaching the topic at hand.

"Alhamdulillah,all praise be to Almighty God who works in mysterious ways. Sometimes He tests His servants just to see the level of their imaan.Some go astray and disobey Him due to the afflictions while some accept their fate and wait for destiny to take its course in their lives.

"Like you my dear Nasrin,God chose to test you through your love life. He tested your faith but alhamdulillah you passed with flying colors since you chose not follow your heart and disobey Him.

"But like I said before,He works in mysterious ways. If He wills anything to happen,no matter how impossible it may seem,He always provides a way out.If two souls are entwined by destiny,there's no how they'll not pair with one another.Nasrin,the scholar who once performed istikhara and said your marriage might be very far in the future was right.Now,twenty-six years later,the future has finally arrived.

"Hussein and I are the closest male guardians to you in this world.We're the ones fit to be your waliyy.I stated the amount required for your dowry while Hussein gave you out as your waliyy.Here's your dowry (he pushed a sack of gold coins to her).He insisted on giving you gold even though I told him the minimum sadaq.Your hand was given in marriage today after jumuah prayer to the man who destiny entwined you with.
Arjun,you may now come in."

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