Chapter Twenty-two

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"Forbidden to you (for marriage) are : your mothers,your daughters, your sisters,your father's sisters,your mother's sisters,your brother's daughters, your sister's daughters, your foster mother who gave you suck,your foster suckling sisters, your...

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"Forbidden to you (for marriage) are : your mothers,your daughters, your sisters,your father's sisters,your mother's sisters,your brother's daughters, your sister's daughters, your foster mother who gave you suck,your foster suckling sisters, your wives'mothers,your step daughters under your guardianship, born of wives to whom you've gone in--but there is no sin on you if you have not gone in them (to marry their daughters),--the wives of your sons who (spring) from your loins,and two sisters in wedlock at the same time,except for what has already passed; verily, Allah is Oft-Forgiving,Most Merciful."

Assalamu alaikum my lovelies,the Hausas say "taba kidi taba karatu" that's why I decided to start with a Quranic verse instead of jokes today.Hope y'all are doing great?If so,alhamdulillah.Hamdan kathiran dayyiban mubarakan feeh.🙏🙏🙏💃💃💃💃💃

Time and tide they say,wait for no one. With a jet's speed, time flew by and without knowing it,two months have already drifted away since the wedding date of the three cousins was fixed.By this time,all preparations have reached the peak.

The groom had finished renovating the house they'd live in and did a great job of it.The house was spectacular and looked as good as brand new.It wasn't a large one but for the time being,it would suit their needs perfectly.

There were four bedrooms in all--the master bedroom, one each for Walida and Iman and a smaller one that would serve as a guestroom.There was just one general parlour and two kitchens, one each for the two brides.

At the backyard, there's a small garden in which Daddy had long since planted trees of guava,watermelon, mango , zogale (Moringa oleifera) and an equally small hut.

Mahmud had to cut down some orange trees in order to create space to build a pigeon house and fish pond for Iman.She had once told him that she'd never consider her future husband's house her home if her pigeons don't have a place to stay. As for the fish pond,she'd always wanted to practice fish farming so he planned to surprise her with it.

As for Walida the designer after much alterations, she finally got satisfied with the outcome of their wedding dresses and gave her tailors the chance to concentrate on the parents', Fateema's and the kids' wedding outfits.

As the true Yoruba lady,Mummy had selected three types of aso ebis for them--one for each event since the brides have insisted they wanted a low key celebration and so there was only the Kamu (traditional veiling of the brides),the Yinin biki (ceremonial sitting) and finally the Budan Kai (traditional Unveiling of the brides).

The groom however was ever-loyal to his long time tailor--a guy from the popular tailors' home gidan amale Anguwan Juma,Zaria city who resides in Abuja where he's highly famous cos of his professionalism. As such,he was the one Mahmud gave his whole box of clothes to sew for him.

As planned, Iman returned home exactly sixteen days to the wedding. Without even letting her rest properly, Walida who had been anxious whether or not the dresses would fit, coerced the reluctant bride into trying them and thankfully, they all fitted her like a glove and so no further alteration was required.

The day after her return,Aunty Shakirat came and whisked off the two brides to Kaduna to 'prepare' them,to quote her words.There was a talk-of-the-town beauty parlour located in her street in Kabala by the name Darain beauty parlour.It was just a stone-throw away from Aunty Shakirat's house in Shooting range street so they just had to trek on foot to the place.

At first,Iman was reluctant cos she had heard stories about how stressful the bridal treatments were and she felt there was no need to torture herself afterall her marriage is just a sham.

But after her first hour at the beauty parlor,she completely changed her mind and became very enthusiastic seeing how they were utmostly pampered.

For the next seven days,they were both given intense organic spa treatment. They had sauna baths,pedicure,manicure and special hair treatments.Iman,who had Fulani hair which was long,soft and wavy never bothered to use relaxer on it before and when the beautician worked her magic on it,it looked so beautiful, unique and attractive such that Walida the fashionista who had relaxed her hair numerous times in the past regretted doing so but Madam Darain ever the customer-friendly woman,didn't let her feel envious for long.She gave her hair the treatment it required as a previously relaxed one and before long,Walida was all smiles as her own long hair was shining beautifully as well.

All the while as their bodies were physically 'prepared' for the forthcoming marriage, Aunty Shakirat was also 'preparing' them internally.She gave them specially prepared chicken soup containing harmless aphrodisiacs and made sure they took lots and lots of fruits and sugar cane.Even Iman willingly took in everything given to her cos they were all goodies talkless of Walida who knew she had someone that would appreciate it.

On the seventh day,they all moved back to Zaria including the beautician's trusted assistant and two of her coworkers where they'll switch to giving the brides traditional spa treatment after finishing the organic one.

They were treated with halawa (body waxing to remove all hairs), dilke and halta (full body exfoliation to remove all dead cells on the skin and rejuvenate it) and dukhan (scented smoke treatment to fragrance the entire body).

The two brides were so ecstatic cos in their entire lives,they had never felt so good about their bodies.The chatterbox Iman babbled to Rahinatu,Madam Darain's assistant that she could swear her skin was softer,smoother and even more velvety compared to baby Ayman's butt.And that wonderful, wonderful and oh so wonderful scent every inch of their body was giving out...oo la la!!The whole thing was to die for and so worth the long hours spent over scented smoke and all that waxing and those other stuffs.

A day to the Kamu, the professional Darain henna artist adorned their hands and legs with very beautiful henna designs.Walida chose black colored designs while Iman preferred the deep maroon one.Fateema was not left behind.She participated fully in all the wedding hubbub.She even let them persuade her to undergo a bit of the traditional spa treatment and also had her own hands and legs adorned with maroon henna.

She was indeed active and even wore forced smiles on her face all the time cos she made a vow to herself that she wouldn't let her heart rule over her head.She promised herself that she wouldn't let the aches,pains and gloom in her heart ruin her beloved ones' special time.

She had just recently completed her final exams and so with nothing much to do,her mind was even more crammed up with thoughts of him.But now with the wedding festivities as a distraction, she decided to pretend to be as cheerful and happy as ever so as not to pique anyone's attention but she just wasn't so successful.

Despite being very busy and occupied, her highly perceptive younger cousin noticed the change in her demeanour.She knew the changed Fateema was always aloof and cool but she could detect something different in her gait and eyes.She seemed so...sad.Yes,that was the word.

Not one to forestall her curiosity, Iman cornered Fateema and queried her on what was eating her up but the love-sick woman just shrugged it off as nothing and went about her activities.

However,instead of ebbing Iman's curiosity, that piqued it even more and so she made a mental note to delve further and unravel the new mystery behind Fateema which was obviously causing her pains.Afterall, she wouldn't be the true aspiring journalist she is if she doesn't delve deep and uncover the inside story.


Boring filler chapter,right?.Well,I .S.A better ones are coming soon.The next one is the wedding so see you then if Allah so wills but before then my dear wattpadians don't forget your good work of voting,commenting and sharing.

For now, ma'_assalam,au devoir,sai anjima,bye-bye❤❤❤

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