Chapter Fifty-one

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The newlyweds couldn't be happier.Life was indeed beautiful for them....blissful,joyful and full of love and laughter.Each of them put in his/her best in order to get the best out of their relationship.

Indeed it is true that there is light at the end of the tunnel. They've gone through the dark tunnel and now, it was time to bask in the glory, in the lightness at the end of it!.

However, life can never be a bed of roses; there must be some thorns here and there.Habeeb and Fateema like every other couple do have their differences which is quite typical after marriage. They have their misunderstandings now and then especially due to their different background, upbringing, cultures and traditions but alhamdulillah,they didn't let that be an impediment on their path to progress.

They had overcome too many obstacles and impediments to let mere misunderstanding get on their way.To tackle this,they put use of the Hausa proverb idan kasan halin mutum saika nemi maganin zama dashi (when you know someone's attitude then you learn how to live with him/her).They learnt each other's likes and dislikes and tried their possible best to abide by them, afterall their main goal is to lead each other to Jannah.

They enrolled Abdallah into a very  good school while Fateema got into University of Hertfordshire for her masters program as their house was situated in Baldock town,Hertfordshire .

Mahbub stuck to his words as he took full responsibility of his son,not allowing Habeeb to pay his son's tuition fees. As for feeding and other necessities, he does send enough money but what Habeeb did was to open an account for Abdallah where he saved all the money except that of school fees that too just to honour a father's wish.

From time to time they visit Nigeria where they spend time both with Habeeb's people and hers.There's no time they come home to Nigeria without visiting Habeeb's former orphanage and thrilling the orphans with life necessities.

When they're in Zaria,Daddy always notify Mahbub and he either comes over from Saudi or if he's too busy,gets his brother to escort Abdallah to meet him over there.He never visits Abdallah while he's in the U.K as he never wants to meet either Fateema or Habeeb.


One eventful Friday evening, Mahmud was seated in his grandmother's room,gisting with her when they heard the voice of the last person they expected to see at the moment saying the 'salaam'.

Mama's mouth fell agape as she removed her glasses,cleaned it and wore it back again before squinting her eyes to make sure she was properly seeing.

"Sakwara-dadi is that you!?."

Instead of answering,the newcomer flung herself at Mama,giving her a fierce hug as she purred ,"I missed you too sakwara-dadi-sakwara!.Five months no be joke."

"So it's really you!But please be careful with this your jumping-jumping fa !.Don't break my fragile bones and kill both me and my great-grandchild.Abeg get up lemme take a better look at you.Ashe zakiyi kiba ?(so you'd put on weight?) I never thought my broomstick namesake will put on some flesh even during pregnancy. Now you surely look like me kam.But wait a minute.Megida how come I'm just getting to know all these?.Why didn't you tell me we've gotten a new addition to the family and my namesy is coming back today so I can make her sakwara (pounded yam)?"

The person the question was directed at didn't even know he was being talked to as it was only his body that was physically sitting there,staring unblinkingly at his long-unseen wife whereas his mind had drifted far faraway.Really,if looks could drill holes on a person,with the intensity of Mahmud's eyes on her,Iman would have long since been drilled into nothingness.

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