Acknowledgements 🌹🌹🌹

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All Praise be to Allah (SWT) for keeping us alive and giving me the ability to type this story.

So this isn't an update but a little shout-out to show how much I appreciate your wonderful support my lovelies.

First and foremost,my most sincere love and gratitude goes to my beloved parents. You may be gone,but your legacies live on.You're the very best parents anyone could ever wish for.We really, deeply, utmostly love and miss you but Allah loves you most.Allah Ya jikanku,Ya Kai haske kabarinku Ya hadamu a Jannatul Firdaus😢😢😢

Sweet dad:You were and will always remain my hero.You tirelessly saw through my education, which enabled me to write this.So how then can I not thank and pray for you?😍😍😍🙏🙏🙏

Sweetest Mum;I still find it so hard to believe you're really gone😩😢😢😢😢.You're and will always be my role model, my most beloved,my everything... I miss you soooooooo much and that was what compelled me to start writing in the first place. Yeah,I write when I miss you sweetest mum cos you're my inspiration. I can never, ever forget the pride in your eyes, the encouragement and support whenever you read anything I scribbled down right from childhood.Till we meet to part no more I.S.A

Sorry for ranting my sorrows to you but I just couldn't help it!At least all the Aishas now know why I go all ga-ga over them.I love anyone with that name cos they remind me of her😞

To my family; words alone cannot portray my gratitude. You are my pillar of support, my number one supporters,my beloved.Indeed blood is thicker than water😍😍😍

To the Wattpadians,my dear sisters with pen who keep us entertained not only with their amazing stories but with their never ending hilarious jokes;you guys surely rock.Thanks a million for your support and encouragement.I dont need to mention names cos you know your amazing selves .You're the best 🙅🙅🙅❤❤❤

To the people that first voted and commented(apart from you baby sis 😉);

AishaUmarYau ;My sweet mama's namesake who's also so very sweet with her most amazing comments. Thanks❤❤

phareeydah_;My Wattpad sis,you've proven to be d sweet sis you're dear❤❤

rukypotter ;Mahmud and his wives' number one bae 😂😃🙋❤❤

AyshaHussaini ; Another sweet mumsy whose comments I always look forward to.❤❤

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