Chapter Thirty-two

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The days multiplied into weeks and the weeks rolled into months.Like a joke,it was already two and a half months since Mahmud and his wives travelled.

Within that period of time, a lot has happened. The newlyweds (Mahmud and Walida) had done the umrah (lesser hajj) where they prayed immensely for Allah's blessings and for peace to reign in their marital home.

From there,they proceeded to Cairo where Walida showed Mahmud so much love and pampered him a lot to show him her appreciation over his wonderful surprise. Luckily for them,she didn't fall seriously ill except once in Madina where she had a minor attack of sickness during their umrah rites.

When they returned home,Mahmud resumed his duties at the office and not long afterwards, started his Masters program there in A.B.U.As such,he was away from home most times, Saturdays inclusive thereby leaving Walida home alone in most instances.

Those were the times she missed Iman the most cos she knew if she was around, life would never be boring even if Mahmud was away.

Instead of staying in the lonely house all day,she spends most of her time in her fashion house which she named 'Nafeesah's Couture'.When she doesn't feel like going there,she visits Mama and Ummi since both her parents and that of Iman are always at work.

As for Fateema,she has started her youth service where she has been recruited as a teacher in a secondary school. At first,she was deployed to Anambra state but after the three weeks' orientation exercise, Daddy got her redeployed to Kaduna state and so that was how she ended up as a corper in one public secondary school near them.

Anyone who knew her as 'ice ninja' and gets to see her now will notice the improvement in her behaviour.She had taken up her beloved C.J's advice: she was no longer living in the past. She had let go of all the demons that have been eating her up from the inside and finally accepted that everything happens for a reason--that what happened to her was predestined as her fate.

Though the pains.. immense,hurtful pains of knowing she can't change the 'b' word about Abdallah and.....and loosing the man she loved the most were still alive,strong and unrelenting, she forced herself to bury them deep within her just so as to honour his wish.

His wish for her to appear as a happy, cheerful person.She'd do that for the world to see and assume Fateema is back to her normal self.It wouldn't be easy but she'll do it just for him.She'll adopt the mask of indifference, of cheerfulness, of being carefree and of being worry-free even though she shouldered so many worries in the world!.

When her family members noticed the change in her,they were beyond themselves with joy as they believed their Fatee was finally back.Mummy, who had always been Fateema's confidante suspected love was the magic that performed its miracle on her eldest daughter. Afterall, it takes a man to really cure pains inflicted by his fellow man.

She teasingly asked Fateema who her new in-law was but Fateema refused to reveal a thing, insisting that she just felt it was hightime to let bygones be bygones and to prove to Mahbub and Sughra that they didn't have the ability to destroy her life no matter what.

When Mummy heard that,she hugged Fateema saying,"Alhamdulillah!I'm so happy my dearest daughter is back!"

"Really?Are you sure you're up to the task of dealing with three of us mischievous brats?.Before it was just me then Iman and you barely managed.Thankfully, when Abdallah came I've retreated into the shadows but now I'm back!How can you cope?"

Hugging her even tighter,Mummy replied"Let it be hundreds of you,I don't mind.As long as my Fatee is back! Besides,the real trouble maker is Iman and now she's off my shoulders.Hussein feels he's strong enough to carry her and her troubles.Suje can su karata,ba ruwan Hauwa Modupe!"

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