Chapter Twelve

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Your mom is your mom...Nobody can replace her...Nobody should replace her.Nobody can do half of the things she does or has done for you.Nobody can compare to her ...To the world she is just one person but to you she's the world.
Wherever she is Heaven or earth, nothing beats mother's LOVE! !
....Robert Mugabe.

There's a saying that 'a mother knows it all'.Indeed, there's no one who understands a child, knows his/her needs, wants, pains, joy, discomfort or satisfaction better than the mother. God Almighty Has created that special bond between a mother and her child right from the womb uptill time of death.

And it so happened that fateful day Mama gave Mahmud the shocker of his life. None of the other occupants of the room paid him any special attention. They were all jubilating and chatting excitedly about the 'great' news, with the exception of one single person--his beloved mother!

As all the others spoke excitedly about the latest development, Ummi's eyes were focused on her son.Only she noticed the shock evident in his posture and eyes.Likewise, she alone noticed when he recovered from the initial shock and opened his mouth probably to correct Mama's assumptions.

Before the blink of an eyelid, she was up and right before him, her back to the others as she whispered, "Don't say a single word."

She didn't wait for him to react to that as she hurried towards the water dispenser and fetched a cup of cold water, pretending as if that was what she got up for in the first place.

Mahmud remained rooted on the spot, shocked for the second time on a row.What does Ummi mean by stopping him from speaking? .Did she guess what he was about to say?, And why would she stop him from speaking his own mind? .

Looking towards her direction, he found her eyes on him as the others kept talking all at once. She inclined her head towards the door, signalling to him to go out of the room. That prompted him to open his mouth to speak but she quickly shook her head and indicated the door once again. Reluctantly, Mahmud obeyed her and dragged his feet out, but not before giving her one last pleading look which she just ignored.

Back in his room, Mahmud was at his wit's end.He was devastated and utterly confused. How could Mama do this to him? .She didn't even bother confirming whom he meant before spilling the beans.It never crossed his mind that she'd ever assume he was referring to Iman.Haba, how could she even dream he would say that about his baby sis?

And then Ummi.....what did she mean by stopping him?.That was the very confusing part.Ummi who never bothers involving herself in his or Fateema's affairs talkless of interfering in their decision making so how come she did just that at this most crucial time in his life? Oh God, how did he end up tangled in this mess? Today was supposed to be one of the happiest days of his life! Now what can he do? How can he get out of this mess?.

Picking his phone, he subconsciously did what he always do whenever he needs advice--calling Iman!Before the call could get through, he quickly disconnected it as  soon as he realised what he was doing. If he call her, what is he going to say to her?.That Mama has misinterpreted what he told her and now she and their parents are already making plans to get the two of them hitched? Oh no, knowing her, he's sure she'll go all wild and in a frenzy and who knows, maybe even end up making matters more complicated than they already are.

Then who else, Walida? .No, up till now he's not hundred percent sure she' s completely over her insecurities so telling her this will only take her back to square one or worse still, destroy her almost non-existent self-confidence. That makes him stuck right in the middle of the devil and the deep blue sea. Where could he turn to? Oh what a mess!

His head was bowed down with his eyes clamped shut and hair fisted into his hands, deep in thought that he didn't hear the knock at his door.At the second knock, he got up, opened the door and received the third shocker of the day.Ummi at his doorstep? !.

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