Chapter Thirty-one

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The following day,Walida and Iman went ahead to do their routine household chores without Mahmud helping out as he usually does as he remained confined to his room.In fact,he hasn't shown his face since returning home from masjid after subhi prayer.

He had woken up with one of his famous dark moods.He had gotten so used to his wife sleeping beside him for the past seven days and so being driven out of her room didn't sit well with him.

She had insisted that they were both his wives; Iman's wedding fatiha was conducted exactly the same way as hers and both of them received dowries from Mahmud,so that makes them equal and there's no way she'd take up Iman's girki days.

Mahmud had stomped out of her room and since then,none of the wives had seen him again cos he locked his door to prevent their entrance.It was not until when he was dressed and ready to leave that he deemed it fit to bless them with his presence.

Both of them greeted him at the same time but instead of answering,he just waved his hand at them and walked away, with his face as frowny as a cow's.

As soon as he was out of earshot,Iman laughed and said,"Hehehe!S.M (sour mood) activated!But Adda Walida you're wicked.It's all your fault,you left the poor guy to end up hugging a pillow to sleep last night."

"Why didn't you go and replace the pillow then if you're not-so-wicked as the wicked Walida?"

"Hmm,maybe I should have done so. Might have saved us from waking up to this S.M. wrtghhyDon't worry,there's always a next time"

Walida looked up sharply at Iman on hearing that.She was hundred percent sure the younger lady was just pulling her legs, she even saw the teasing glint in her eyes but still.....


They didn't bother preparing breakfast so as to catch up with their parents before they leave for their working places.They planned to spend some time at the family house before the scheduled time for their departures.

Both Walida and Iman dressed simply;Walida in a cream and brown Ankara peplum blouse and wrapper skirt then covered herself with a brown Kashkha veil,brown flat Vincci shoes with matching handbag. Iman settled for a white gown with black designs on it and grudgingly wore a long white hijab over it.

Mahmud,who was also simply dressed in jallabiyah with head thobe acted the gentleman he is,despite his sour mood.He took the task of taking all their luggages to his waiting car.

They then recited the special duas for leaving one's home before locking up and leaving for their parents' house,after Iman gave Bala stern instructions on how to take care of her babies.

They started with Umma's house where they hastily greeted her and Abba as they were getting ready to leave for work.Amidst their good wishes and blessings, they bade them farewell and rushed to Prof Naseer's house.

Luckily, they met the no-nonsense V.C already in his car by the gate side,having stopped to give Malam Ilu his usual dose of early morning gift of Naira notes.As the happy man bowed down to offer his gratitude, the trio hurried to their Daddy's window side to receive his blessings before he left.

Ever the punctual leader who believe in leadership by example, Daddy didn't waste any time on pleasantries. He just hastily said,"Good morning,have a safe trip and Allah bless"and without waiting for their replies, he zoomed away leaving them to shake their heads in defeat.Daddy will never change!

They met Mama taking her breakfast of kunun gyada (gruel made of groundnut and white rice) and kosai (beans cake) and without waiting for invitation, they all dipped their hands into her plate of kosai .Iman got three cups and poured each of them the kunu,ignoring Mama's teasing protests that they've left their house without eating only to come and gobble up an old lady's breakfast.

Ummi and Mummy who was still on her maternity leave joined them in Mama's room and they gisted for a long time since Iman's flight to Bauchi was not until a quarter to one(12:45am) while Mahmud and Walida's own was at night in Aminu Kano International airport,Kano.

Iman had left her car at the Abdulfattah's residence so it was planned that their driver will pick her up with it on her arrival at the Bauchi airport and convey her to her apartment.

At a few minutes to eleven,Mahmud told Iman it was time to head to Kaduna airport since it's far.She got up,hugged each of the ladies and bade them farewell before heading to her Adda's room.

Seeing Fateema in tears is not a new thing to Iman and every other member of their family but seeing her sudden reflexive reaction of shoving her phone aside,rapidly wiping at the telltale tears and wearing a fake smile when Iman came into the room piqued the latter's suspicion.

Before she could say a word however, Fateema beat her to it by saying,"Ah don't tell me you're ready to depart for the honeymoon already?"

"Yeah,they are all set for it while I'm all set to go for my 'bookymoon'.... getting all cosy and lovey-dovey with my books!.But before then,Adda we haven't finished our little talk the other day.Now please....."

Before she could voice out what was on her mind,they overheard Mummy's voice shouting,"Iman!!Come out here this minute.Don't you know you have a flight to catch?.Oya,yara soke chatterbox kawai !"she concluded with a mixture of Yoruba and Hausa languages (oya hurry up,chatterbox).

Sighing in defeat,Iman hurriedly said to Fateema,"You still owe me a little private chat when I return.Until then,remain blessed and please cut down on those tears.They make your face to resemble a ripe tomato."

That prompted Fateema to giggle a little, shocking Iman but before she could voice her thoughts on that,Mahmud materialized out of nowhere and pulled her away,not giving her any chance to delay them further.

Unbeknownst to Iman,Fateema was putting the promise she recently made to her beloved C.J to practice and hence the unexpected giggle.

She had just recently returned from their meeting in Sughra's abandoned house.Upon her return after running away,she had cried profusely for a long time for the ultimate sacrifice she had just done,for letting go of her heart's desire.It was not until after some time that realisation dawned on her that she didn't offer her condolences to C.J.

Grabbing her phone,she quickly typed an email message to him;

I'm so so sorry I got wrapped up in my emotional web that I didn't remember to offer my condolence over the unfortunate incident that happened to your mum.Take heart dear,it's really so unfortunate and sad but rest assured that justice shall be done. The perpetrators will surely answer to the Highest Judge.

I have never met her before but believe me when I say she has a special place in my heart just after hearing about her.She chose the name I love the most;Aisha... the name of the prophet (S.A.W)'s most beloved wife. Naturally I like anyone named Aisha talk less of the Aisha that gave birth to the most amazing, wonderful and remarkable person I've ever been opportuned to encounter.

If this may serve as any consolation to you,your mum died in a state any Muslim would love to die in--with her ablution, intention of performing prayer and last but definitely not the least,on a blessed Friday!!.

You might not understand the implication of that but believe me,as a Muslim I'd do anything to die in the same state as she did.So please and please, take heart and remain assured that she's in a much better place now. By His Mighty grace,maybe we'd all reunite in paradise one day,who knows?

P.S:This is my last email to you.I meant it when I said we should set each other free and let destiny take its course.If you really love me as you claim to,just let me be.Don't even reply this message. The last correspondence between us is the message I would look forward to receiving from you,informing me of your safe arrival in UK,that's that.So goodbye habeebee,have a most wonderful life ahead.My prayers and best wishes will always be with you.


That was the message she just finished sending when Iman came in and met her shedding tears.The tears that she wiped away with the resolution of being the last so as to fulfill her beloved C.J's wish of living her life to the fullest.


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