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Fateema was seated on one of the chairs in the balcony with a mug of hot chocolate in her hands absentmindedly sipping at it as her attention was focused entirely on the scene down below in the pavement.

She trusted her nine years old son's capability one hundred percent cos the young boy was just young physically but mentally, he was much older and wiser than his age. But despite trusting his ability, her motherly instincts forced her to keep her eyes glued on him so as not to leave any unforeseen chances.Afterall, a child is only a child no matter his maturity.....

The oh-so-familiar scent which usually numbs her senses wafted through her nostrils and an exuberant smile automatically appeared on her face as she momentarily took her eyes off the captivating scene downstairs and turned to face the one man who had taught her how to smile,laugh and enjoy herself;the one man who helped her life back on track,the one man who not only helped her return to her normal self but turned her into a better,happier and more fulfilled woman.... into Mrs Fateema Naseer Habeeb;the wife who feels she's the luckiest and happiest on earth!

"Oyoyo habeebee!How come I didn't see you drive in?"

Bending down to steal a lingering kiss,Habeeb smilingly replied "How would you notice me when you're too busy keeping watch over the one who had stolen you from us?Gaskiya my soldier and I have to stage a protest rally one of these days. We no go gree"

Laughing, Fateema let him pull her unto his laps after he sat down before wrapping her arms around him and saying.

"Nah,who dares outshine the Moon when his Zahra (shining star) is here? You know you're my moon and am your Zahra matar wata (moon's wife) so no one can ever outshine you.It's just my motherly instincts at work."

Hugging her closer at that,Habeeb said,"Yeah,my Zahra;my habeebty,nurul hayatee,my darling wife.Please calm your instincts down cos my soldier is a capable and mature one.He's nine going on nineteen and you have nothing to worry about in Shaa Allah.Now stop stealing glances at them and give this poor habeebee a proper welcome kiss."

Struggling to get out of his firm hold,Fateema replied,"Rest assured I'll surely do that as soon as I get you something to wash down your throat.I can't let my habeebee to keep talking with a parched throat after a hard day's work."

"Nah, stay right where you belong...in my arms.I know something that will quench my thirst more than anything available in your kitchen."

Instead of claiming her lips in a kiss as Fateema expected,Habeeb briefly unwrapped one of his hands from around her and dipped it into his breast pocket.Fateema's curious eyes watched him as he returned his precious pen which is always there (the one she once gave him) as it has accidentally gotten out when he removed a small,heart-shaped jewelry box.

She continued watching in awed silence as he opened the box to reveal a glittering, dazzling beauty which her experienced eyes immediately marked as quite a very precious stone.

Smiling,Habeeb took out the glittering necklace and clasped it around her neck,whispering in a seductive tone,"Happy Anniversary, my Zahra;nurul hayatee."

Dazed and confused at the same time, Fateema stuttered "B..but it isn't our wedding anniversary today.We already celebrated it three months ago!"

"Yeah,it's not our wedding anniversary but the anniversary of our love.Zahra,today marks exactly five years since the fateful day I realised my love for you.That unforgettable day at the computer centre when you gave me back my lost necklace. I can never,ever forget that surge of emotions that overcame me that day especially after looking into your eyes.I knew then at that moment that I was done for....that my heart and soul have completely surrendered themselves to you.As for you, you never confessed your feelings at that precise moment even though I can vividly recall how mesmerized you were when our gazes locked that you totally forgot I was still holding your hand......."

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