Chapter Thirty-four

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Walida and Iman were seated in the former's room as they were home alone.Mahmud had earlier on left the house for Muhammadu Aminu square (Zaria polo field) upon Iman's insistence.

Pushing the platter of watermelon to Walida's front,Iman said "Please eat the watermelon as well. I know the fresh dates are good and you don't like watermelon but it's also very good for the babies."

Rolling her eyes,Walida finished chewing the sweet date in her mouth before replying,"For Allah's sake Iman the foetus is just five weeks' old.It's too early for you to start pestering me on what and what to eat for its sake.And for the last time;stop wishing for me to have twins! .Haba, let me manage with one tukuna and see how I can cope first."

"No oo!It's never too early.They are undergoing the stage of creation now and I heard somewhere that eating watermelon during pregnancy makes one to deliver beautiful and healthy babies. So eat up,I want my twins to be the most beautiful babes to ever grace the world!."

As Walida laughed and shook her head in resignation, Iman's phone rang and upon picking it,she saw 'Inlaw' on the screen.

Putting on a serious expression all of a sudden,she answered in a calm,serious tone very unlike her usual self.

"Assalamu alaikum"

"Amin wa alaiki Salam.Good morning my good sister.It's me again oo.Hope  you're not tired of seeing my ugly face.I'm outside the house."

"Ah haba,how can I get tired of my own bro?Just come inside,I've left the door of the parlour open.I'm sure Adda is already on her way.And thank you very much for the gifts yesterday. You didn't have to do that."

As she kept the phone down,Walida gave her a weird look as she said,

"Are you sure you know what you're doing Iman?I have a bad feeling about this gaskia.So that was why you sent Yaya out of the house. I thought we discussed this yesterday. Think deeply Iman.The parents....."

"...Are the ones who always preach to us about destiny and believing in it.There's nothing they or anyone else can do if it's Adda's destiny to marry Habeeb.And stop having any bad feeling.Trust your sis na,I'm always good at playing cupid.Just take a look at yourself and your Majnun.Didn't this cupid perform a good job there?"she concluded,teasingly.



It was Fateema that smilingly whispered as she took her seat.


Habeeb replied, to which they both giggled happily before each breathed a deep sigh and did what they always loved doing---fixing their eyes on each other's,not talking not doing anything but simply staring at each other.

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