Chapter Thirty-six

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".....I'm really sorry we kept you waiting for long in suspense.We were just doing our job.....saving a life.Nafeesah is really a warrior.She fought between life and death today.At a point we almost thought she wouldn't make it.But Allah is Great,nobody goes before his/her time so Alhamdulillah,she's fine.She lost a lot of blood though....really a lot.(Turning to face Mahmud,she went on)Mr.Mahmud please I'd like to see you in my office if possible with her dad too.We need to discuss on something."

In a controlled voice,Mahmud asked "Can I just see my wife now?"

"Yes of course you could all check on her.She's on sedatives though so she's sleeping. So one at a time please cos we don't want her to be disturbed. By the way, congratulations Sir.You have one handsome dude."

Mahmud didn't even hear her completely as he was already on his way to the maternity ward where Walida was shifted to, to see the love of his life.

His heart skipped a beat when he saw her lying peacefully on the bed with a cannula attached to her hand through which his blood was gradually flowing into her body.She looked so pale and weak even in the sleeping state and that touched a sensitive part of him.

Without been told,anyone who sees her would know she had suffered a lot,gone through a great deal in order to bring another life into the world. It pained him a lot knowing he's the sole cause of her suffering. She went through all this just to bring his child into the make him a father.Yes,she almost lost her very precious life while giving him a bundle of joy.

At that thought, a sudden surge of overwhelming love overcame him and he didn't know when he bent down and hugged her sleeping form,whispering,"Thank you Wali-dear.Thank you for the gift of love.Get well soon dear and see the little bundle of joy you brought into this world."

With that,he pecked her on the forehead and sauntered out to give her anxious parents a chance to see her as well.He finally met his baby before Abba returned from seeing Walida and together, they headed to see the doctor just as she requested.

After taking up her offer of sitting down, pleasantries were exchanged before Dr Banu took a deep breath and began.

"Alhamdulillah,Nafeesah has scaled through the hard times.I must confess as a doctor who had seen a lot I was a bit scared seeing the amount of blood she lost,especially knowing she's a sickler.I'm afraid the blood you donated won't be enough to replenish her.We need to get about two more donors or buy from the blood bank before tomorrow cos that's when it's finishing.That aside,you know she had an attack of splenic sequestration sometime in the past,right?She told me so herself.Well,that means her spleen has been affected,thus tampering with its functions.And when it is chronic,she'd require complete blood transfusion.

"What I am trying to say in essence is that someone in her condition--a sickler;one with spleen disorder at that on a normal day needs all the blood replenishment she can get,not the other way round.Loosing a little amount of blood in her condition is risky talkless of the humongous amount she lost today.Really, it's a miracle she's still alive.Now she had scaled through narrowly, how are we sure she'd get so lucky next time? That's why I have this proposition for you.Discuss  between yourselves and with her.If you're all in agreement then we'll take her in for a tubal ligation so as to avoid risking further pregnancies and such near-death experiences. I'll be right here when you reach a decision. I'm sure she'll be up soon as the sedatives will soon wear off."

Walida didn't wake up until after Asr time and as soon as they spoke with her,the parents were relieved and finally left to go home and freshen up and bathe the baby as well, leaving only Mahmud with her.

Moving over to sit right next to her on the small hospital bed,Mahmud bowed down to kiss her forehead before smiling at her and asking,

"So how do you feel now?"

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