Chapter Forty-five

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Right from that fateful day Mahmud's angwanci night turned awry,he had begun seeing his Cute Dimples in a new,different light....completely different light.

He found himself noticing tiny details about her which hitherto never caught his attention. Like how attractive the natural fluttering of her eyelashes is while talking,or how arousing her sweet melodious voice actually is or that seductive sway of her hips....

And then when he hugged her, alien,strange feelings overcame him.Making him to completely forget he was in his sister's arms....making him want to do so many unmentionable things to her.....

That was what baffled him the most.It was Iman.... his Cute Dimples,his beloved sister whom he had hugged uncountable times before in the past but he had never,ever felt that way before. So what happened?.What has changed in her or about her that caused this?.Or is the change in him?.If so,then what is it?.What is happening to him??.

As this thought crossed his mind at the present moment, he raised his head and his eyes fell on her dimples which revealed themselves as she broke into a dazzling smile,thanking Walida who just gave her a bar of her fave chocolate.

Without any warning,a sudden urge of leaning over to kiss her right on the dimple spot overcame him.Now that was another developmental change as well.He always had the urge of pinching her on the dimple spot but he ached to feel his lips on the tantalizing spot. Or maybe that had always been his true urge?...

As his eyes kept fantasizing over her dimple,her cute tiny mouth opened and his eyes were immediately drawn there.Oh those lips.....How can he ever forget their tantalising,chocolatey taste?....

"Ah,Galaxy!Pure chocolate passion.....Uhmm......" purred the object of his vague interest.

Closing her eyes to savour the chocolatey goodness as it melted in her mouth,Iman finally swallowed before looking at the dazed Mahmud and asking,"You want some?.I assure you its chocolatey passion will drive you craaaaazyyyy!"she concluded, emphasizing on the 'crazy'.

At her words,Mahmud's eyes fell on her lips again which he stared long and hard at,before abruptly getting up and hurrying to his room and locking the door behind him.

Shrugging,Iman finished up her remaining chocolate, uttering,"Your loss."


The next day during lunch preparation, they decided to do division of labour instead of cooking altogether as they usually do.

Walida,the chief chef chose to prepare the main course which was simply rice and stew with salad while Iman settled on making the dessert. With Ahmad strapped on her back, Iman left Walida's kitchen and headed to hers.

Within few minutes, she had finished mixing up the batter of chocolate cake, poured it into greased and lined pans before placing in the preheated oven. That done,she broke some chocolate bars into very tiny pieces before mixing with warm heavy cream to make the mouthwatering ganache.

As she licked the ganache she had scooped up in a spoon,Mahmud bursted into the kitchen saying,"What do you have for me to do in here?."

Washing the now-empty spoon in the basin,she replied,"What are you doing in here,kuma ?.I thought I left you helping Adda Walida?.She's the one with the most work to do,I'm almost through here."

"Nah,I'm not going back to that kitchen. She deliberately sent me away.Started chopping onions and garlic right in front of me.Eww!!"

Laughing, Iman teased,"Look who's talking. Once the food is done who'll be the one to gobble down the largest share,munching greedily on all the 'eww' onions and garlic?"

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