Chapter Eighteen

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Make up wahala!

I Just got a call from a friend who said his wife woke up this morning and started applying her makeup right on bed around 5:15am  there in  bed without bathing......

Husband stared at her and asked - "Have you lost your mind ?" Why on earth are you making up this  early???

She Replies
"I need recognition to unlock  my phone, it's on face  and it doesn't recognise me.


The first day Fateema appeared for her appointment with her supervisor without Abdallah,she was stunned by his reaction. He had earlier on asked her to meet up with him at IAR where he'll inspect the progress of her experiment and when she arrived, he was already there.

As soon as she got out of her car and started walking towards him, his eyes kept darting behind her, as if searching for something.

Immediately she stopped at a respectable distance from him,he ignored her greeting and asked,"Where's Abdallah?"

Shrugging in nonchalance, she replied,"Probably on the way or at home already by now. I don't know."

"You don't know?!"he exclaimed.

"Yes,I don't know. I'm no longer picking him up from school from now henceforth. His dad will be doing that."
At least his Uncle Mahmud could be regarded as his dad.So she wasn't lying!.

"His"he queried in a faltering voice.

"Yes,his Father.He has relieved me from the task of taking him to and from school so I can concentrate more on my studies and project.So,shall we go?"

His face expression completely changed at her revelation. He looked crestfallen, sad,desolated---just like a little child who had just lost his favorite toy.He looked utterly touched as he looked down at the wrapped gift in his hands.

In a sad,dejected tone,he asked "Now I can't get to see him anymore?.Not even once?".

That was what stunned Fateema.Looking up into his eyes,she saw sincere hurt and dejection in them and that was what pulled at a chord in her womanly heart.She couldn't help it afterall she's a mother.

A mother whose son is obviously adored and cared for by the person standing right before her.

It didn't matter that he's a 'chameleon'(her name for all men).

It didn't matter that he's Dr Iza-a-wuta

It didn't matter that he treated her badly.

Nothing else matters since he cared for her love,her life,her source of joy....her one and only son!

Ya Rahman!....

Extending the gift to her,he sadly said "Please help me give this to him.Tell him Uncle Chris will miss him a lot."

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