Chapter Fifteen

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Laughter the best medicine;



I saw my SS1 Mathematics teacher today. We greeted and he asked for directions to GT Bank. I told him to make a 360° turn and walk for like 1.8m, then find the coefficient of X using Pythagoras theorem and round it up to the nearest tens. He will see a big pharmacy which is perpendicular to his right, then make an obtuse angle turn, he'll see the bank at a distance of about the logarithm of 7 and using four figure table to find the Anti- log. Let him feel what I felt when I was in school. I heard on the radio he's missing....



Absolute silence....

The silence before the storm. ..

From behind his glasses,Mahmud fixed his eyes on his new bride, waiting for the outburst. Yeah, if he knew his Cute Dimples at all, he was sure there was definitely a storm brewing behind that absolute silence.

In a voice so stern even he as a man got a bit startled, Iman said to Walida, "Adda Walida, I may be your abokiyar wasa but I don't tolerate such....abominable jokes. "

Walida shook her head at the pure irony of it all :wata naso wata naki .She wants him like her next intake of air while Iman is getting all murderous just because she has him all to herself?Wow, what an irony of life!.

Sighing,she said, "I can't joke about something like this, Iman.It's the pure truth. You're his wife. "

Mahmud kept staring at his wife from behind his glasses, gauging her reaction. He even mentally readied himself to receive her physical attack cos as he looked into her eyes, he could see nothing but pure anger and he knew it was to him it was directed at. He had always been able to read her mind through her eyes, just as she does to him.They had always had their silent means of communication.Without asking, he knew she blamed him for everything.

"Adda Walida, restrain me.Restrain me before I turn you into a widow-to-be.Restrain me before I murder your husband-to-be with my two naked hands!".

"Haba Iman it hasn't come to that.Ya Mudinki nefa! ."

"Does he know that? Ai he doesn't know that that's why he decided to tackle it on his own and forgetting his useless sister existed!.I was just one phone call away Adda Walida.Just one damn call!. Why didn't he call me? I could have stopped this....this madness before the blink of an eyelid.Is it not Mama? It would have taken me just a call to change her mind. Just one single call would have prevented this...insanity. ...this wickedness! How could they do this to you Adda? You're everyone's sweetheart! How could they do it me, to my Ya Mudi! He already has other worries, other would he cope? How...."
She trailed off as her immense anger gave in to emotional breakdown.

Walida fought back her own tears as she consoled Iman. Mahmud on the other hand, was stiff as a rock on his seat.To any onlooker, he looked unfazed but internally, he was in total chaos.His heart crashed into pieces as he sat there watching his two favourite girls crying and consoling each other. He kept debating with himself whether to go and console them himself but restrained himself.

Like a light bulb, an idea suddenly popped into Iman's disheveled mind and brightened her dark mood.Disengaging herself from the embrace, she smiled sadly through her tears before wiping them off as she said, "You know what? There's no need crying over spilt milk.What's left is for us to clean up the mess in a spectacular way.Afterall anything tied can be untied as well."

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