Chapter Fourteen

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Hello, my beautiful fiful, let's laugh a little today, afterall laughter's the best medicine;


Daga Jummalo,
Zuwaga tsinken sakacen zuciyata.
Bayan haka, ina kaunarka, ya manjagara mai share dattin zuciyata, inaso ka zama BOKO ni kuma na zama HARAM mu taru mu tashi hankalin SOYAYYA da BAMA- BAMAI, Bissalam, daga mai kaunarka JIMMALO😂😂😂

Iman waited impatiently at the common-room of their hostel.Earlier on, Mahmud had texted her saying he's almost at the school premises so she should be on the alert. She was so excited; she couldn't wait to see him,the new baby, Mama, the parents, Adda Walida, Adda & all the others! She missed them all so terribly.

As soon as she received another text from him saying,"I'm here", she happily rushed out, pulling her trolley behind her even as she asked herself "What's with the text messages? Just a simple phone call would have saved him a lotta trouble. That typing, urrgh!"

From a far distance, she spotted him leaning against an unfamiliar flashy new car.He had always had that characteristic of standing out in a crowd. Even in a large crowd of hundreds,one can easily spot him---he was that attractive.

As Iman moved closer to him, her first thought was 'Masha Allah, he's looking soo good'.She had always known her big bro was a killer when it comes to looks but today in particular, he had outdone himself. She had never seen him looking soo....masha Allah! .

He was dressed traditionally in white babban riga with black and white embroidery, black cap,black Valentino cover shoes and even from her distance, she could see the flashy gleam of his Rolex. To complete the look, he had on Bvlgari shades over his eyes.And the heady scent of his Giorgio Armani's Acqua Di Gio perfume was all over the place. Really, in all her sixteen-plus years of existence, she had never seen him looking so dashing.Or maybe it's because she has never seen him in babban riga before.

On getting to him, instead of rushing to hug him as she normally would have done, she just stood there checking him out, just as he was standing arms crossed and eyes taking in her lean form, clad in her usual black abayah and veil wrapped around her face. She was a slim girl before but she looked even much slimmer. He knew this damn university isn't good for her!

"You know, if I wasn't being a mature university gal I'd have squealed and hugged the daylight outta you! You look soo...masha Allah! You dressed like this to celebrate with me on the naming of my prince's namesake, ko?
I knew you'd join me in rejoicing, Ya Mudina!."

He didn't bother replying as he focussed on putting her trolley in the boot.That was when the attention of the sucker for cars was caught. "Don't tell me you're the one that came in this beauty?!.I'm gonna ride a 2016 Toyota Prius? Oh my!This is the bestest day of my life!".

That prompted Mahmud to give her a sharp look before quickly diverting his eyes and opening the car door for her to enter.Iman put on her best act of imitating Walida--catwalking to the open door before entering in a demure, ladylike way saying, "Let's enter the classic car in a classic way."
Mahmud didn't utter a word as he closed the door after her entry and hurried to the driver's side.

As soon as he got in and started the car, she turned to him forgetting all about being ladylike as she gushed out,"How's everyone? Did anyone even miss me?.Mama, fa?.Is she getting along with Ihsan though I know nobody can replace her sakwara-dadi!Oh, the most important one which you must answer now! How far on your war? Has she finally accepted or she still dey do shakara?.Don't worry, your sissy is back! Before I return to Bauchi, you guys might have already set the ball rolling on getting me a niece or nephew." She concluded her blabbering with a wink.

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